Friday, June 05, 2015

A Modern deck write-up.

Hello! My name is Slark and I am here today to introduce you to this modern deck! Its my current deck at the moment and it’s a standard Modern Wilt Leaf Liege deck.

This deck is rather easy to play, but is rather expensive. However, if you’re someone who suffered the banhammer of Birthing Pod, this  deck can be built relatively cheaply! Especially since Noble Hierarch and Wilt Leaf Liege has been reprinted, their prices have fall significantly! If you have interest in building this deck, I suggest you get the cards NOW. (as of 3/6/2015.)

This deck works as a selesyna beatdown aggro. However, there are 2 variations of this deck. This being the Mana dork one, which focuses on early ramping and beating down fast. There is another version that focuses on discard and control which I will mention below.

Playing this deck is rather simple. Turn 1. Land, Mana dork, Turn 2, start filling up your field, and start whacking away! The dork version listed here is rather aggro-oriented, and can dish out big creatures early game.  Most of the creatures listed here have a lot of value for their cost. With Noble Hierarch, which is a mana dork that provides like 2/3 of the mana you need for this deck’s monsters, not only that, it has exalted, which gives a lone creature attacking + 1/1, doesn’t sound much, but early 4/3 Kitchen Finks can help in the beatdown in the long run.

Loxodon Smiter (or affectionately named, Elephant man.) is a 3 mana for a whopping 4/4. Whats best about it is that it doesn’t just stops there. It cannot be countered, and if your opponent wants to discard it, it comes into play for FREE!
Voice of Resurgence is a 2 mana for a 2/2. That sounds like average doesn’t it? But it probably has one of the best effects in the Ravnica block for a 2 drop. If your opponent casts a spell on your turn OR it dies, it gets a Elemental token that’s Power and toughness is equal to the number of creatures you have.  As a Mana Dork deck, we tend to play a lot of creatures and elementals will big REAL big.  If you get this card on the field early, your opponent has to either get rid of it when you summon it, or it will become rather deadly later in the game, At worst, it summons a elemental token. At it’s best, its Control’s worst nightmare.
Siege Rhino is hands down one of the superstars in Khans of Tarkir. A 4 mana for a 4/5. I fell in instant love when this card came out. 4 mana for 4/5 is a instant above average. But with Trample,  and a effect that drains 3 health from your opponent, Siege Rhino is a versatile creature with a great body. In this deck it can be a 6/7. And also helps yourself against Burn.

Kitchen Finks is a 3 mana for a 3/2. Sounds bad. Doesn’t it? But its effect is AMAZING. When it comes on the field, 2 gain 2 life. When it gets destroyed, it actually comes back with a -1/-1 effect and its “entering battlefield” trigger activates, giving you 2 life.  You can negate this effect with many cards that give you +1/+1.

Wilt Leaf Liege is a 4 mana for 4/4, its average, but its name is on the decklist itself. Why? Because of its pump effect. It gives white creature +1/+1, and green creature a +1/+1. This gives Selesyna creatures +2/+2, which is Loxodon Smiter, Siege Rhino, Qasali Pridemage, Voice of Resurgence and Wilt-Leaf Liege.

The rest of the deck, are removal, typical modern removal. I threw in 2 thoughtseize to counter some combo decks.

Lingering souls- A lot of value packed in this card.  A 3 mana that spawns 2 1/1s sounds bad, but the fact that it has flashback for 2 makes it really valuable. Also, these tokens really fit in nicely with your resurgence elementals.

Now for the Sideboard:

Choke- Huge counters against Blue decks, its fun to shut them down with this.

Feed the clan- I know what you must be thinking, seriously? Feed the Clan?! But I would beg you to think about using this card. 5 life isn’t a mearge sum, and if you have a rhino or boosted creature, you’re getting 10. Its nearly a second chance against burn matchups.

Stony Silence & Fracturing Gust- Both are in my sideboard for extreme affinity hate. If you get Stony Silence on the field, Affinitiy will be shut down for the moment. It should give you enough time to aggro them to death. Fracturing Gust on the other hand may be rather slow, but it literally wipes affinity clean. And also, Fracturing Gust also helps against Bogles.

Dromoka’s Command – Usually, people would like to replace this with Leyline of Sanctity, I think its alright to play this in exchange of some of the sideboard cards here. However, I feel that Dromoka’s Command is an excellent card. The first mode is a Leyline for a turn. The second mode can destroy an enchantment, especially strong  against land tappers and Blood Moon. The Third mode gives a creature +1/+1. It helps to repair finks and also make your creatures bigger. This helps in the beat down.  The last mode is actually removal, but be careful using the same creature to attack!
Sorin, Solemn Visitor: This planeswalker is actually rather relevant to the deck. At 4 mana, you can give all your creatures a boost and lifelink, now this in combo with  Lingering Souls tokens can get you a lot! Sorin also has the ability to protect himself with a 2/2 vampire token.

Zealous Persecution- B/W token’s worst nightmare. It gives everyone a -1/-1, and can wipe some small creatures  and buff yours for a beatdown.  However, its duration is only for the turn  you play it. So be wise when you use it!

Engineered Explosives: Charge it up, and blow up those smallies! Really strong against merfolk, It’s a really nice card but it may be slow on the earlier turns, so be wary of how you use this.
SpellSkite- I actually upgraded and swapped this for Aven Mindcensor, which I will be writing below. Nevertheless, SpellSkite is rather versatile as it can redirect bolts and other kind of spells from your wilts. Heck, a two drop that can survive a lightning bolt sounds REALLY good!

Aven MindCensor- Oh boy, this guy- or bird. Hands down one of the most annoying effects for your opponents when they use fetchlands, it also shuts down tutors and lower their effectiveness, heck it has flash even to the point that your foes wont even see it coming.  A flying 2/1 can also help in the beatdown.

Scavenging Ooze- This card is really good in that it can help weaken your foe’s tarmogoyf, and also become really big overtime, it also helps to clear cards that can come back from the grave.


Well, that’s it for my deck, there are many other Sideboardable cards like Inquisiton of Koz. Thrun the Last troll, but the’re more of an sideboard option, till then, I hope to see you guys soon!

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