Sunday, June 21, 2015

3 Reasons Why Kolaghan's Command Deserve the Spotlight [Flash!]

I can assume this series has gained enough popularity that I'm back with another? I'll go easy with this still, so I'm presenting another Command in the Dragons of Tarkir expansion!

Now, I'll be honest. Initially, I didn't look much at this card. Partly because B/R colours are not my thing and I didn't really paid much attention to it as it's being 3 mana. I did ask myself if that would be a real deal. Eventually I pass on this. But, to redeem myself, I'm going to give you 3 reasons why this card deserves the spotlight it is in now:
  1. B/R/X Decks are on the rise. Jund is making its move back into Modern after a slight hiatus. Meanwhile, Grixis control is also giving Modern a run for its money. Both decks centralizes a B/R core with the third colour being green and blue respectively. No mardu decks yet? Ah well.. Give it time.
  2. Similar to Dromoka's Command, I praise this card for its utility and cost efficiency. None of the 4 options are not relevant in the format. 
    - Returning a creature back to hand is somewhat a black/green colour ability. Goyf or Siege Rhino in the grave? No problem!
    - Discarding a card is definitely black ability. Coupled with Liliana of the Veil, Inquisitions, and Thoughtseizes, it's just icing on the cake!
    - Destroying Artifacts is kind of the go-to to any side or mainboard material. Affinity, Tezzeret control, and to an extend, TRON can really have a set-back from this ability.
    -2 damage to either the creature a player is always relevant in any format.
    Now, having being broken down in its options, its a very versatile card and is never a dead draw in most scenarios. Also, it's a 2-for-1 in most situations, so that's value for mana and deck-slot there!

  3. Played in Standard, Modern and even started to show up in some decklists in Legacy. While I'm not too sure about the card in the last format being real, as in the card being a real thing there, I'm quite positive that this nifty card is being played in the former two formats. Even so much as to the card popularity is rising these couple of weeks.
Okay, so that's the 3 reasons. I'm sure there are more reasons why this card is loved, or even hated. Drop your comments below and feel free to share this post to others if you like this or any of the other content that I have written so far!

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