Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3 Reasons Why Dromoka's Command is Insanely Good in Modern [Flash!]

Quick post. I want to try something new on this blog by creating short posts like this rather than my usual long-winded ones and see which is a better response with you guys! I'm kicking off this with one card that is has picked up value and seen play across Standard and Modern Format recently!

  1. The application of four modes of the command is extremely relevant in the meta. In my opinion, it may be the strongest command in the DTK cycle in Modern meta applications, alongside with Artaka's Command as a close second as the latter may require specific decks to properly utilize its all of four utilities. In my opinion, Dromoka's Command has a slightly more versatile set of utilities that is able to be played in most decks running the colour.
  2. Speaking of Powerful or versatile utility, it just builds on the previous point in regards to relevance. The most used modes you would choose is the last two. Having a +1/+1 counter and fighting another creature as a pseudo-removal does wonders in many games. Especially since Modern is looking to be a creature-dominated format, the chosen modes as mention do help push the stalemate board. However, the first two do have very surprisingly flexible options as utility against certain match-ups (eg. RDW, Twin, Boggles, Prison, some control variants, etc.). You do know that this stops damaged-based boardwipes right? Similarly, this actually removes Keranos, God of the Storm in Twin Exarch decks and as well as Eidolon of the Great Revel in Burn decks.
  3. Having the Command with 4-choose-2 utility choice at cmc 2 is very much value for the mana you are investing for that turn. I did mention this earlier, but it is rarely a dead card in hand. It is an extremely powerful utility in early game but still a good top-deck draw in late games to help break stalemate. In early games, having 2 utility choices gives you a tempo advantage in terms of answers. Think of it as being able to cast an additional 2 spells to help your board or game state in that turn. In late game, it's cheap enough to allow you to follow up with bigger, and flashier spells.
Note, I'm not screaming this to be the next big thing in modern (It might?). I'm merely a fan of this card in the new command cycle and I feel that the card is rather underrated still in the Modern Format. If it does not fit the bill to be a mainboard card in most decks, I think that having this as a 1-off in sideboards do help change games in post-sideboarding. 

What do you think? Did I make a sound argument in getting you interested in the card? What are your opinions regarding this card?

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