Sunday, August 02, 2015

My speculation targets for PTOrigins

The top 8 decks for PTOrigins has been revealed and this has really made cards like Demonic Pact spike hard. Open confession; I did not buy any pieces despite sending a text to my friends what to look out for this weekend.

My speculation list was quite different from the above. In terms of what I actually bought, I went for the cheaper, but higher risk specs and this is my list as a result: 

Card Bought
Number of copies
price per piece
Grim Haruspex
28 eng, 1 jap
SGD $0.60 ea
See the Unwritten
6 eng, 1 jap
SGD $4.00 / $5.00 ea
Ghostfire Blade
27 eng, 1 jap
SGD $0.60 ea
Silumgar's Command
12 eng
SGD $1.00 ea 

Bummer... I could have dumped a few dollars into demonic pact for the easy money, but the copies here were going for $7.50 last checked. I was only willing to buy them in at $5 a piece and the places selling at that price were out of stock. Nevertheless, let's make lemonade out of lemons.

Prices captured on 2nd August 2015, after the announcement of PTOrigins top 8.
I mean that jump from $7.50 to $13 is still money that could be made. But, nevertheless, it's still good to see 2 out of the 4 specs that I bought made it to the top winners immediately after the ProTour. I'll see how much can they rise before determining the profit margin. 

I don't expect Ghostfire Blade to stay in the increment trend for too long as it may or may not be relevant once rotation. I believe it would still be a relevant but can the deck last through two rotations? It's quite hard to tell now, so that is likely an early out if it hits $2.00 - $3.00 a piece. 

See the Unwritten potentially may see play in the post-Theros rotation period, so I'm not too bearish with the prices. It has a good potential to double from here on, so I'll take my chances. I may get a few more copies if I can get them under $4.00.

Grim Haruspex is a tough one. Abzan Rally seemed to dominate the meta until this recent ProTour, falling out from the Top 8. I'm not exactly confident in it going any higher than $3.00 if the meta shift caused the Rally deck to become obsolete. But, it is already cheap enough to jump in as bulk rare spec, and no matter what, it is still a card draw engine. If nothing else, just look at the casual appeal for this card.

I'm quite bullish about this one. It's still a Command with 4 utility regardless. The utility modes are actually very relevant in constructed format and it's cheap to buy in at the moment! Except that I foolishly clicked "buy" at $1.00. This can be a spec that I'm looking to keep a slightly longer term if it doesn't see play or price spike in the next. It eventually will find its home, but it will take awhile.

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