Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dragons of Tarkir... The Dragon set that we have been waiting for! [First Look!]

Well, not for me. I'm more in the side of the Angels as my preferred tribe. Okay, Allies too! But nevertheless, it's still an exciting set to anticipate with all the dragons roaming around. As again, this article focus more on the appeal to my casual side and not so much for competitive or finance. The numbers are just there to count the Top 10, but the cards are not ranked in any order.

Number 10: Atarka's Command

This is a solid card. it's the cheapest in the command cycle, even with in the lorwyn expansion ones. I won't say that this is the most powerful of all the commands, but by itself, it's an extremely powerful card. I'm foreseeing this being played in multiple formats. More specifically, in RDW burn decks. Sure, the other decks may look to play this but I think this is the card that gives the best boost to burn decks. Though usually my First Look! Articles don't cover finance, this is a card that I'm readily going to spec on for this expansion.

Number 9: Collected Company

Too bad this isn't 3 cmc... it'll wreck havoc in Tiny Leaders. That being said, it looks to be a very very fun card to play with and I may look to abuse this in EDH or probably in Standard Constructed. Not something I'll spec on like Atarka's Command though.

Number 8: Descent of the Dragons

Holy... Sheeeiiitt... Imagine you have a small army getting their asses whooped! Then you cast this, and suddenly you command an army of Dragons to get revenge! EDH anyone? Hey on that line, Eldrazi Monument looks a heck load more fun with this card. 

Number 7: Dragonlord Dromoka

I'm a sucker for good Selesnya cards okay... So I'm more Biased towards this card than the rest! That said, this card's strength is that it cannot be countered and it prevents any opponent to cast spells during your turn. It's very likely to be viable in EDH decks that loves to do soft lock on your own turn and do some ape-shit crazy things like... I don't know... I'm playing Ghave already... That's ape-shit crazy by itself! 

Number 6: Myth Realized

Unless your opponent have some form of removal for enchantment, this card is incredibly fun to play with. If nothing else, it's a nice mana sink in late game and it scales well it you look into playing non-creature spells like burn or counter. It could be a good midrange or control card in some situations where this itself can be a good vanilla pressure card or finisher. Nothing else, it's just a fun card. 

Number 5: Narset Transcendent

Seems underwhelming at first, but I can assure you she is extremely powerful! The first ability at worst is a scry, but at best is a useful card advantage. Having the rebound is like another Snapcaster Mage in your deck and trust me, most of the time, the rebound is worth it. The last ability is just plain silly; having that to lockdown your opponent like that is one thing, but actually pulling this off in standard, please take a video of the game, I wanna see it!

Number 4: Ojutai Exemplars

I am pretty much a sucker for utility... This card is breaming with potential to be played. Plus, I love the artwork for this card! shao lin monks references as shown above! 

Number 3: Sidisi, Undead Vizier

Rune-Scarred Demon... Period... It's a weaker version, but still nevertheless, it's holding potential to be played. Even if nothing else, It earns a spot in my EDH deck.

Number 2: Swift Warkite

You know how I said I love utility? Read this card properly... It's a hand/graveyard recursion of a creature with cmc 3 or less... It's not exactly Sun Titan level of power, but it still get something done. For an uncommon level, I'm pleased with the ability. Plus, Look at that sick artwork! I'm betting the foils are going to be sick!

Number 1: Sarkhan Unbroken

Normally, I'll go apeshit with sick planeswalker with sick artwork... But, I'm just gonna leave this here as the number 1 spot for you guys to admire this. This is a definite powerhouse in standard and EDH formats.. Unless we see some form of utilizing him, maybe not in modern... Nevertheless, it's a great card!

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