
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Modern Gameplay Review: 21st & 22nd October 2014

Back with a double Modern Gameplay review! But, this time round I'm not going to go into details in the 2 games (the next one will be in full details as much as possible!). This article will focus more on the flaws of my deck and how I will want to tackle to improve the deck.

21st October 2014 @ Aliwal Street

The deck underwent a massive revamp to tune and increase the consistency of pulling off the combo. Some of the obvious changes is the inclusion of Makeshift Mannequin, Izzet Charm and Taigam's Scheming. These cards will help to push the deck to improve the consistency in its reanimator strategy.
Empyrial Archangel was added in as a 1-off to test against the meta. 5/8 Flyer with shroud is very powerful, considering that she can block anything. In fact her second ability makes it the reason why I want to play her in my 75. Plus, getting her in turn 4 is really powerful as a threat.

Round 1: UR Delver (0-2)
Side Note: The pilot of the deck is, again, Toshi!

Game 1 & 2: 
I think by now we pretty much know how the deck goes against UR delver. It's a given match to the opponent cos it's too fast! I basically could not pull off the combo any time in the game because my pieces are lacking... Great...

-1 Angel of Glory's Rise
-2 Izzet Charm
-1 Gifts Ungiven
-1 Harabaz Druid

+1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
+2 Choke
+2 Engineered Explosives
+1 Empyrial Archangel

I lost both games are pretty much for the same reason;
  • Messed up land base. Didn't manage to acquire 
  • No reanimator options when I have the reanimators
  • No reanimators when I have options
  • Sideboard cards are not effective
In short, the deck was still inconsistent with its combo pieces. Now, before going out and ask why don't I play the griselbrand reanimator deck instead? It's simply because it's a known and established deck. There is nothing to improve on and also, it's expensive to build. 

Round 2: Jund (0-2) [Arnold]

Game 1&2: 
Yea, if you get the pattern for today's game, you realise I'm just going to report the 2 games as one paragraph again.
Primarily, I lost the game due to mana-jam and wrong colour sources or land type. Also, being stuck at 2-3 mana for a few turns against a disruptive decks can really strip away your options and basically, you're waiting to concede the game.

-1 Izzet Charm
-1 Gifts Ungiven
-1 Angel of Glory's Rise
-1 Harabaz Druid

+2 Meddling Mage
+2 Path to Exile
+1 Empyrial Archangel

I think I can elaborate more from here about the land issues. My land count is 20 cards, which gives me a 1/3 chance in drawing a land when I need it. I "cheat" the odds by playing cards to dig and filter my deck. So as to what I need and what I do not, I know beforehand.

That's ideal case actually. In reality, a lot of factors affects my draw rate. Can you actually believe that for one of the games, I actually have to struggle through 5-6 turns without a digging card like Faithless Looting or Taigam's Scheming? Stuff like this happens sometimes.
  • multi-coloured lands but cannot activate at the right time
  • wrong lands at the wrong time.
  • shuffling problem leading to land screw
Also, when I did the tuning, 21 lands seems to flood me with lands, while 20 lands seems to be a bit on the edge. Well, that always happen; at 21/22 or 22/23 lands. My thought for 20 lands is basically to thin down the deck for more options or cards to play. Afterall, this deck actually just requires 4 lands to work. Again, ideal scenario.

Round 3: Merfolk (0-2)

Game 1: 
Merfolk deck is a deck which I personally think that there is no proper sideboard against it. This variation of Merfolk is more aggressive (great...)

In the first game, the game is very quickly over with the army of Merfolks. Bascially so long as 1 merfolk is there, the next one will either receive the buff or the other way round. Seriously, it's basically an army of "Lords". Making things worse is the islandwalk; I play 5 colours, so that really hits me hard. 7 damage, 8 damage, and.... I'm dead. On my side? I couldn't find a reanimator.

-1 Kazandu Blademaster
-3 Izzet Charm
-1 Gifts Ungiven
-1 Harabaz Druid

+2 Engineered Explosives
+2 Choke
+2 Pithing Needle

Game 2:
I could slow the opponent with choke and Engineered Explosives, but the real threat here is Aether Vial. I managed to sunburst my Engineered Explosives for 2 charge counters and 3 turns later, activate it to blow up 2 merfolks before they get out of hand (This game was slower for some reason). I landed Choke on the following turn, which theoretically should shut him down, but thanks to Aether Vial, the threats still enter and yep, that's the game.

Pack Prize: Utter End

22nd October 2014 @ Superstar Gaming

Not much tuning from the previous day; I was too tired to think of any changes for the deck. I only change the Sideboard to include Kitchen Finks and 1 more Pithing Needle.

Round 1: RDW (0-2)

Game 1 & 2: 
I lost both games for a simple reason; I cannot handle aggro decks. My sideboard can be used previously to hose most decks, but the changes in the deck would also the sideboard to be updated.

Basically against aggro decks, I need to combo by t5 latest. I made a grave mistake in throwing the wrong reanimator card into the graveyard. I am supposed to throw Unburial Rites instead of Makeshift Mannequin. Guessed which one I ended up throwing by mistake.

For the Second game, I have kitchen finks, but Eidolon of the Great Revel is a threat too annoying to handle while trying to pull off the combo. In fact, I could not find a single reanimator option for my Empyrial Archangel, which was in the graveyard by t3. 
  • Messed up land base
  • No reanimator options when I have the reanimators
  • No reanimators when I have options
-3 Izzet Charm
-1 Harabaz Druid

+3 Kitchen Finks
+1 Empyrial Archangel

Round 2: BG "the Rock" (0-2)

Game 1: 
The game went off strong on my side at first; I was pummeling the opponent with a good deal of damage until he manage to draw options and threats. He removed my Kazandu Blademaster and Hada Freeblades with Abrupt Decay and Maelstrom pulse, pulled out a Tarmogoyf, and quickly hit me for a great amount of damage. I could only take that much beating until I gave up.

-1 Izzet Charm
-2 Harabaz Druid
-1 Kazandu Blademaster
-1 Gifts Ungiven

+2 Path to Exile
+3 Pithing Needle

Game 2:
I just hate Scavenging Ooze. Period. Turn 2 Ooze thwarted my plans and my Pithing Needle was removed. I lost the game when the opponent starts buffet.

Round 3: Jund (1-2) [Arnold]

Game 1:
Similar to round 2, Game 2, Scavenging Ooze goes on a Buffet and his brother Tarmogoyf went on rampage.

-1 Izzet Charm
-2 Harabaz Druid
-1 Kazandu Blademaster

-1 Gifts Ungiven

-1 Angel of Glory's Rise

+2 Path to Exile

+3 Pithing Needle
+1 Empyrial Archangel

Game 2: 
This game truly show me the potential of my deck. It managed to withstand the early game and I pulled out the combo. (FINALLY!) And basically I hammered the opponent with just the right amount of damage. Mirror Entity really takes the game here.

No Changes.

Game 3:
I managed to pull off the combo, but not to my luck, I milled him 30 to 40+ cards, but it isn't enough to take the game. The problem was that I milled everything but his removals, so I lost the game after the following moves: The opponent casted surgical extraction targeting my remaining Unburial Rites, removed them, and managed to kill off my threats one by one. Eventually he managed to land a Tarmogoyf. I conceded after not having enough mana to cast the Empyrial Archangel on my hand (2 mana short...) and I'm not willing to drag the game.

Round 4: Bye~

I got a Bye in the last round, so yea... 

Prize Pack: Dragon-Style Twin....
Pointers for this week;
  • Think if you have read the games, a glaring issue is the consistency of the deck to pull off the combo; either by lacking the reanimator or the target cards. 
  • Against Aggro deck, I don't have the capability to race against the clock. Hence, I need find some sort of control elements in sideboard to slow them down.
  • I will definitely explore options like Iona, Shield of Emeria, Linvala, Keeper of Silence to hose opponents. 
  • At the moment now, the main thing is for my deck to tune its consistency.

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