
Friday, October 17, 2014

Modern Gameplay Review: 14 October 2014

Back with another Game-play coverage!

I played at MTG-Asia @ Aliwal Street. So no changes to any thing other than my deck. I decided to use back my Ally deck.

Deck: 5C Human-Ally Reanimator

I did a fair bit of changes since the last game. I took some cards from my UW midrange and added into the Sideboard. On top of that, I added some cards to test out like Domri Rade and Ghostway. I think I want to play a home-brew deck instead of relying on primers. For my UW deck, I'm eventually building to a tri-coloured deck. Just now is not the time yet.

Any case, let's review my game play!

Round 1: B/G "the Rock"(1-2)

Game 1:
The first game is very interesting. I was in a mad rush to get my combo pieces as quickly as possible. The opponent had a 4/5 Tarmogoyf, thanks to my graveyard-feeding engine. I manage to land a couple of Ally cards in the graveyard along the way. I hard-cast a few like Halimar Excavator and Harabaz Druids to block the Tarmogoyf while waiting for the correct cards to be in place.
When I finally managed to get the pieces in place, it was roughly turn 6-7. I pulled off the combo with 4 Allies on board, plus 8 more from the graveyard pulled by Angel of Glory's Rise. With that, the resolved triggers finish off the game by milling the opponent 192 cards.

-1 Ghostway
-1 Dangerous Wager
-1 Gifts Ungiven
-4 Spell Pierce

+2 Meddling Mage
+2 Pithing Needle
+2 Path to Exile
+1 Immortal Servitude

Game 2: (I can't exactly remember what happened here.)
I got screwed over in game 2 with a turn 2 Scavenging Ooze by my opponent. I managed to cast Path to Exile to remove the Ooze, and land a Pithing Needle, naming scavenging ooze. However, my pithing needle got easily removed and on top of that, my combo pieces are not coming out. I lost this game by combat damage. I think I did cast Immortal Servitude as a desperate attempt to stop his Tarmogoyfs for a few turns before losing to lethal damage.

Game 3:
Again the Scavenging Ooze. I have no answers to the Ooze and the Ooze continued to eat my creatures, as I continue to fill my graveyard, making it bigger. Up to a certain point of time, I just conceded the game. I cannot pull off the combo in time to salvage the situation.

Round 2: UWR Control (2-1) [Arnold]

Game 1: 
This game is rather quick to end off in a very similar fashion in Round 1, Game 1. However, instead of 192 cards, I milled my opponent around 40-50 cards in turn 6. So just nice. The point the game was quite quick is that he didn't manage to draw a single Cryptic Command in mid-game to push the tempo to his favor. Also, the cards he had on hand, by my guess, couldn't do much to stop me.


Game 2:
Put it this way, the game is hands down a good example of what a control deck does. I could have landed a t4 combo, but I hesitated as he was open for mana. Eventually I just tried and yes, I got countered. I went ahead to reanimate my Angels twice, but each time the board got Wrath-ed.
Hey twice! Once, by a hard-cast Wrath of God, another is via a flashback! I would say my deck is very resilient to boardwipe, but this is just epic in new proportions in the timing of the spell. The opponent did managed to get the upper-hand after the mass removal and with my deck exhausted all my Unburial Rites and Faithless Looting, I eventually lost to the damage output.

Game 3:
By the time Game 3 started, we had 7 minutes left. Yes, 7 minutes for the last game. We did like a speed-run and basically played as fast as possible. In that 7 minutes, I manged to assemble my combo while dishing out damage to fight for the lowest life total. I actually got a slightly higher life total, but irregardless, we agreed to finish the game with the last-5-turns. I managed to pull off my combo, but with no mill because Halimar Excavator isn't in the graveyard. Mirror Entity was an All-Star here; pumping my creatures from weenie 1/1s to massive 6/6s during combat. I took the game for dealing lethal just as when the 5th turn approaches.

Round 3: UR Delver (0-2) [Game given to me in reporting score as (2-1)]

Game 1: 
The first game is really quick. I lost the game fairly quickly to a flipped Delver of Secrets, a Monastery Swiftspear and a lot of instant and sorcery spells to buff the latter. Basically I didn't aim to pull off my combo. I was trying to fight with damage war. It was a close fight; until the opponent Vapor Snagged my creatures and my tempo is losing out. Ultimately I lost the first game due to the speed of the deck; I could not handle it.


+2 Choke

Game 2:
The second game is even faster. I lost the game fairly quickly with a Monastery Swiftspear, a Young Pyromancer and not much reaction on my side while I was trying to pull a turn 5 combo. My creatures and combo pieces didn't come out in the right manner and eventually, the only option I have is to play my creatures as blockers. Vapor Snag did the trick again here and I was overwhelmed by the tokens spawned by Young Pyromancer. I conceded the game after counting out the damage output can win me in 2 more turns.

Grave mistake of siding in Path to Exile. I should be siding in Rakdos Charm instead. The former is good at dealing single targets. But Rakdos Charm can deal a powerful return- damage to the opponent due to the numbers.

Again, the prizes are booster packs; I picked 2 Khans of Tarkir Booster Packs; so here we go!

Pack 1: Sultai Ascendancy...
Pack 2: Windswept Heath!

Gave away Sultai Ascendancy to my third opponent, Traded Windswept Heath + Polluted Delta for 3 Shocklands.

Pointers for this week;
  • A very different deck from my Allies deck. This deck requires a lot more tuning to optimize the deck's performance. I've adjusted the deck list almost immediately with some of the advice given to me. Big thanks to the helpful advice given by my friends. I will be tuning the deck in a very different manner. Consider it as an upgrade. 
  • Domri Rade and Ghostway are severely underwhelming in the deck. Maybe Domri Rade have yet to see more play to know, but Ghostway is not fitting in the deck; all the times I drew it, it's a dead draw.

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