
Friday, October 31, 2014

Modern Gameplay Review: 25th October 2014

Yea, I've gotten a bit lazy to update. Because this is going to be long. 5 games to cover! So let's go!

This is the coverage for the Modern event at MTG-Asia @ Aliwal Street. Again, it's my Ally deck.

Deck: 5C Human-Ally Reanimator

I did a fair bit of changes. I've maxed out all the enablers to increase consistency. Sideboard requires a few works here and there, so I'm still tweaking and trying out a few stuff. Slaughter Games is a very powerful card in the right deck, and I feel it's a good card against Control matches. I'm still looking for aggro match-ups and a few ideas came into my mind; Night of the Soul's Betrayal, Supreme Verdict and Engineered Explosives made the cut, but I am not convinced.

Any case, let's review my game play!

Round 1: UWR Gargadon (2-0)

Game 1:
I faced a very interesting deck for my first game. The opponent first appears to play Hallowed Fountains and I'm skeptical at first, whether it is a UWx control deck. Well I didn't know what deck he is playing until post-game.

I just played out my creatures and hit into a few removals but that didn't stop me from setting up my combo pieces. Eventually I managed to pull off my combo, pulling Angel of Glory's Rise and milling the opponent 42 cards. My opponent later conceded. 

-1 Harabaz Druid
-1 Reflecting Pool
-2 Izzet Charm

+2 Choke
+1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
+2 Slaugther Games

Game 2:
You remember how I was mentioning that Empyrial Archangel is a sick card to target from graveyard and landing in turn 4? This game just showed me that.

Apparently my opponent still didn't manage to get close to showing me his deck. I wasn't sure what was the deck, but I know he had Cryptic Command in his deck (he cast that in game 1 as a counter and to tap my creatures). So I tapped out to cast Slaughter Games, naming Cryptic Command and also to see what is his deck actually is.

It turns out to be Jeskai Gargadon, which utilizes Greater Gargadon as a time clock. The opponent then proceeded to control the game and when the time is right, he will stop the suspend and land the Gargadon for the win. He didn't managed to do that.

I reanimated Empyrial Archangel and proceeded to swing in a beatdown plan. 2 turns later, I reanimated the other and my opponent conceded with 10 life. It will be a lethal swing the next turn.

Round 2: UWR Control (0-2) [Toshi]

Game 1: 
I think every match coverage will feature this gentleman here. Wizards really love to friendly fire much...

The first game is quick. As I did some changes to the deck, so did the opponent. He tuned the deck to be much faster and true enough, I was overwhelmed before hitting my 4th mana.

-2 Izzet Charm
-1 Harabaz Druid
-1 Kazandu Blademaster
-1 Angel of Glory's Rise

+2 Choke
+1 Engineered Explosives
+1 Night of the Soul's Betrayal
+1 Supreme Verdict

Game 2:
This game allowed me to test a few of my sideboard cards. For one, Choke is counter-productive to my deck. Two, never go 1-off in sideboards unless you have sure-fire ways the card will be easily found.

I couldn't find my combo pieces; my opening hand went aggro and I chose to keep it. My opponent easily removed my creatures and tried to "Blood Moon" me by casting Magus of the Moon. Thankfully for the basic lands, but in the end, I lost due to the army and the incoming damage.

Round 3: RDW (0-2)

Game 1: 
Generally, against RDW, it would be something like this,
land a creature, beat, burn and burn until game over.

So basically, the game went as said. my opponent landed a Vexing Devil on the first turn and I paid 4 life to get him out. He later landed another which I allowed him to resolve.

I held the game long enough to pull off my combo, which actually enabled a 50-card mill. However, my opponent managed to remove 1 halimar excavator on the trigger stack and ended up mill-ing him 16 cards. He took the game by casting 2 boros charm, dealing lethal to my 8 life left.

-1 Angel of Glory's Rise
-1 Harabaz Druid
-4 Izzet Charm

+1 Engineered Explosives
+1 Night of Soul's Betrayal
+1 Pithing Needle
+2 Slaughter Games

Game 2:
I lost the second game is even faster. The opponent incinerated my creatures; I'm perfectly fine with that. However what I am not okay with was that I could have reanimated a turn 4 Empyrial Archangel, which effectively could have shut the game down.

But, I'm not okay with the turn 1 Tormod's Crypt. It just completely shuts down my game plan. He prevented my plans and later landed another. However, I won't play on the game on as it basically just a slow "death" for me. Maybe, rather, a quick one soon.

Round 4: Rakdos (1-2)

Game 1: 
Lost the game fairly quickly due to the lack of my combo pieces. The deck ran Dark Confidant, Gatekeeper of Malakir and Liliana of the Veil. The more interesting card that this:

Tymaret, the Murder King has a bunch of utility that may be another Deathrite Shaman in the right deck. But, from what I have seen, basically he's a more annoying Reassembling Skeleton. Yet to see potential from the card, but gives me a few ideas to run into.

In the match, I lost from the aggressive beat down. I have no combo pieces and no creatures to hold back the beat down.

-1 Unburial Rites
-2 Izzet Charm
-1 Harabaz Druid
-1 Angel of Glory's Rise

+2 Slaughter Games
+3 Pithing Needle 

Game 2:
The second game is more interesting. The opponent managed to cast Surgical Extraction, naming Angel of Glory's Rise. Quite surprising to  him was that I sided out one piece. Doubt if he was aware of my other alternative plans.

Nevertheless I managed to reanimate Empyrial Archangel, later cast a Mirror Entity. I eventually managed to take the game through a beatdown.

-2 Izzet Charm

+2 Path to Exile

Game 3:
I took too much life from the Fetch/Shock set-up. Also, with the beatdown from my opponent doesn't make it any better. I made a mistake by activating the reanimator too early. The difference was the Liliana of the Veil in the opposing board and his creatures he was playing..

I was at 4 life with 2 opposing creatures to beat for lethal. I could have survived another turn by flashing the reanimation on combat step to survive a turn. However, I was too rush to play it. So upon that turn, I conceded.

Round 5: UB Tezzeret (2-0)

Game 1: 
The first game is really quick. I was roughly in mind that the opponent is running some form of control, but the initial idea wasn't clear until I start seeing artifacts and I did overhear someone playing UB Tezzeret, so the aim basically is to combo off as fast as possible.

Thankfully my deck opened with a good hand and I managed to combo, pulling off the mill with 40+ cards. The opponent conceded quickly after that.

-1 Unburial Rites
-2 Izzet Charm
-1 Harabaz Druid
-1 Angel of Glory's Rise

+2 Stony Silence
+2 Slaughter Games
+1 Pithing Needle

Game 2:
The second game is much more interesting; I landed a turn 2 Stony Silence, which I managed to shut him down for a couple of turns. He ended discarding his mass removals and basically could not do anything. This gave me some time to set up my combo (my opening hand wasn't great).

My opponent managed to boardwipe using Engineered Explosives*, but luckily it fed my combo. So, I

Eventually I managed to pull off the combo with Angel of Glory's Rise, then later casting Mirror Entity. The next turn I swing in for overkill, making everyone 11/11.

*Overlooked this fact; Stony Silence shuts down Engineered Explosives.. So actually there is no way that he could have removed my board in this game.

I finished 16th, with a final score of 2-3. Hence, I got only 1 prize pack;

Pack Prize: Sultai Ascendancy... + Foil Zurgo Helmsmasher

Pointers for this week;
  • At best, hold the opening hand with the cards for digging. In fact, I should be holding an opening hand which helps to dig the library for cards; not anything that seems on the aggro side. 
  • Hold the game for half a turn if needed; if I can pull off the instant reanimator, it's best to do it on my opponent's turn unless it's necessary.
  • Choke have to go. Its drawback is too much for my deck in most conditions as I do play a significant amount of Island.
  • My thoughts for anti-aggro decks in sideboard would either to add in more removals or disruptions. Conventional disruptions won't help much, so I figured Engineered Explosives and Chalice of the Void may do the trick as most threats are cmc 1 or 2. 
  • My other ideas included Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Iona, Shield of Emeria as reanimating options
  • The other point to take note of is the abundance of graveyard hate. Tormod's Crypt, Relic of Progenitus, Rest in Peace and Scavenging Ooze are all major threats. 

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