Monday, July 27, 2015

3 things I want in Battle for Zendikar! [Flash!]

Gonna make this a quick one. There are 3 things I really want in the Battle for Zendikar Block. It's not really breaking news or anything out of the world for the 3 things I'm going to mention. But, it's something I'm looking forward upon spoiler season. 
Normally, I'm not hyped for the sets when they are spoilt. I'll just go look at the spoilers and go, "eh... okay. That, that and that is good, That is going into my [First Look] article.." And that's it! I'm not really the type that will go head on and naive anxious enough to be among the first to buy cards at release price.
  1. Awesome tribal support cards
    Magic Origins gave us some awesome new and reprinted cards in the Elf and Goblin Tribes. Now, I really really want more support for the tribals in the block; Specifically, the Ally Tribe. Long-time followers of the blog will know I'm a fan of the Ally Creature Type and I really wish to see more cards printed to support this underrated tribe. Just... No coat of arms please... It's not that viable for what I was intending for my deck..  

  2. Fetchlands
    I think this one is a given; We all want this. Personally, I just want 1x Arid Mesa to fix my deck colours. Maybe a few Verdant catacombs and Misty Rainforests.. While at it, I don't mind Marsh Flats as well... Scalding Tarn seems to be worth keeping as well... 

    Oh gosh... See what you did?!

  3. New Eldrazis to mow the board with!
    I have a love/hate relationship with the Eldrazis. I was fated to play decks with Eldrazis, but not destined to. My first 6-10 packs were mainly Eldrazi rares back in the Rise of the Eldrazi expansion and while I did not know how powerful they were exactly (I'm referring to Emrakul, Kozilek, and Eldrazi Conscription) I did play with it for awhile before the $20 per piece offer became more tempting than the shear power of those cards. Ahhh... such simpler times... 

    Now that is a thing in my past, I'm anticipating to see new Eldrazis or probably new forms/versions of the big 3. Hate side? That's more toys for Tron decks which I kinda hate as my Ally deck has close to no answers for it.

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