Monday, April 06, 2015

Project: Zer0 Speculation - Noble Hierach, Linvala, Elesh Norn in MM2015?

Noble Hierarch.... an overpriced mana dork.. Don't get me wrong! I love this card and honestly speaking, she is one of the most powerful mana dork after Deathrite Shaman.. But, at the price tag more than most other more useful utility spells and creatures... I'm a bit skeptical with the current price tag (as of writing) to be its right price tag for the card. I did write an article explaining how ironic and exaggerated some card prices are and on that topic, I did mention in comparison of this to Snapcaster Mage, Deathrite Shaman and Cryptic Command. Now that I've made my point, which is exactly why a reprint would be great for this card. 

Linvala is a great card which has seen play in certain builds running white. With the recent release of Siege Rhinos, most Abzan decks would run the latter over her now. Hence, I won't expect the price to be that high after reprints. Even without it, the reduction of usage will eventually lead to the decline in the demand. Still, Linvala was still used in the Format and honestly, I think that a reprint of Linvala is definitely a welcome by many.
There we have it; the grand-empress. Since FRITES took off in standard, she has been taking down decks on her own. Modern saw her presence in Gifts decks and sometimes Legacy maybe I think. Overall, I love this card a lot and I first witnessed her power in EDH, and then gradually in Modern, when I acquired my second copy. Elesh Norn is not exactly a modern staple, but she is definitely a modern powerhouse in the right decks.  

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