Okay, Second block of the Khans of Tarkir Expansion Set. Frankly, when I first got a look at the spoilers, incomplete then, I wasn't feeling the same hype and excitement that I felt around within and the people around me. I honestly have no plans to buy boxes or packs for this expansion in light of a new project I've embarked about a month ago. (More on this in the next post!)
But, something caught my eye...
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Wow... just wow... |
So Wizards decided to do another print run of Fetchlands in Fate Reforged... So basically whoever is hoarding Fetchlands are surely going to be feeling the burn as their prices are going to dip more... I did mention somewhere that fetches will hold their prices for a very long while. Like Shocklands, it could probably take 2-3 years post-rotation to see any positive trajectory growth.
Is this a move by Wizards to appeal more people to crack the packs? Maybe, but I'm not convinced that it's really the plan. For the idea in making Modern entry cheaper, having the core necessity of any deck to be affordable has to be in place before talking about anything being cheap. Sure, mono-colour decks are the most affordable, but honestly, other than RDW and Soul sisters, there isn't much of a variation in the local metas is there? Even the latter rarely saw play in my meta here... RDW is different story. Moving on...
So, for Fate Reforged, having seen the full spoilers, I'm still avoiding boosters, but I'm really psyched about the new "Manifest" Mechanic! Whether it goes on to be competitive enough really depends on the brew and how the meta changes with the new additions. My guess? It's safe enough to get some strong hype now, with a few really good supporting cards to be in the Simic-colour ranges (Bant, Temur, Sultai, etc... 4/5 colours? ). On paper, it's possible to be an aggro deck with a bit of tempo / trick-style of play. You can fool opponents or basically manifest for late-game steam if needed.
The main thing here still, voices down to whether the deck or mechanic itself can sustain the meta. If it performs well, it's a new thing to look into. If not, well, let's just see if there are any new decks up and coming. For now, I'm pretty sure that "Manifest" will impact the meta in one way or another!
Alright, now for MY Top 10 picks of Fate Reforged! No particular order as usual!
No. 10: Monastery Siege
When this card was first spoiled, my friend(s) were really excited for this card. One particularly noted that this card will jump to $5 - $10. Well, maybe. But, like as known for all releases, the price WILL drop first before any increase. However, this card really took my notice when I first saw it. I'm personally stating that this is an obvious limited bomb.
In constructed, the potential to see play in Standard and Modern is there actually. Against burn or any decks that requires targeting me or opponent, slapping this post-game 1 as a sideboard card can do some damage and slow the opponent. Then again... we have Leyline of Expensive to contend with...
The other option can be thought as basically card advantage. The way I look at it, Delve is in the hype right now with a lot of decks utilizing Delve. So the downside of discarding is not really a downside. Still not convinced? Snapcaster Mage is still a thing in Modern! So we got you covered for that.
No. 9: Soulflayer
Remember when Necrotic Ooze was a pain in the butt to play against? Me neither... Basically if you slap Necrotic Ooze with Concerted Effort... Soulflayer is basically the result.
The thing is this. This guy ABUSES the Delve! Throw the right bunch into the mixture and you basically get yourself a one-hell of a scary dude to face. It's screaming EDH play to me. Not so much about construc-I don't know.... Standard? Delve control in Modern? Does Legacy actually play any of the new cards? Oh wait... yea.. Cruise and Swiftspear... I'm not convinced that this will hit standard as hyped, but I'm all open for decks with this guy as I really loved the concept of this card. ~ Use the abilities of the fallen/exiled to become an extremely OP-ed character, hell yes!
No. 8: Ugin, the Spirt Dragon
Speaking of OP-ed... This Dragon means business! The power level of it matches Karn Liberated in Tron decks. I mean come on.... Do I really need to say why? This dude spits Lightning Bolt (ahem... Ghostfire) and wipes you with an overpowered Pernicious Deed... Don't get me starting with my theory of him causing the Genesis Wave to exist...
No. 7: Monastery Mentor
Remember when I said that Prowess is a thing? I'm totally stumped with this card. Just when his little brother (Apprentice...) is going around in standard, this Mentor is out to push more threat. To me, this is how mythic should be like. Powerful. Not broken, but powerful enough to hold the game on his own and even turn tides. He can still be dealt with, but having him on board is really going to tilt opponents. The card alone is a decent 3mana 2/2 with prowess. With the additional little monks, also with prowess?! The subsequent spells are going to cause more trouble than anticipated.
Honestly, this is one card not to be underestimated. Young Pyromancer is a threat...
This, is threat-con level over 9000!
I will definitely see him being played in Constructed.. Both in Standard and in Modern. Jeskai Delver / Jeskai midrange... I'm looking at you...
No. 6: Silumgar, the Drifting Death
Just when you think that Control decks can take a short breather from being annoying, here comes this guy. I have got to admit that this guy will definitely be in control decks as a powerful finisher. Hosing opponent's creatures even just by 1 P/T is enough to cause issues in blocking step to get rid of him. 7 Toughness... that's really a big butt... Hey, does the flavour text and artwork kind of remind you of Smaug and Ultron? No? Ah well...
No. 5: Destructor Dragon
For an uncommon, this, in my opinion, is a really good card. Woodfall Primus? Anyone? It's in my EDH for a reason. This, easily becomes the budget versions for any EDH running green. It scales up from Acidic Slime in the curve and itself is a fearsome 4/4 Flier for 6 mana. Don't think it will be played outside limited and EDH.
No. 4: Ethereal Ambush
What did I say earlier? The release of the spoiler of this card made some people to start speculating the power of "Manifest" and its potential impact in constructed. Honestly I'm not sure how good this will be in standard decks, given its cmc ratio to what it gives. I am however, sure that limited formats will give this guy a run. It's not a bomb in the format, but it does give enough impact to be a mid-turn pick. Well, we'll see.
No. 3: Brutal Hordechief
You remember how Hellrider gave hell in the decks running them back then during Innistrad Standard? I didn't really play until post-RTR, when Innistrad is about to rotate out, I played Jund Ooze for a few weeks before the rotation occurred. No, it's not exactly like Hellrider; Brutal don't have haste, but makes up for having Blood Artist/ Suture Priest - like ability. The gain 1/lose 1 per attacking creature is enough to drastically change games.
Heck, his second ability is what makes him a more powerful version of Hellrider! Being able to manipulate blocking, you essentially can easily remove chump blockers and high-level threats that opponents may be forcing themselves with to stall or hold the game. Another powerhouse mythic that I guess it would be very viable in Standard constructed.
No. 2: Wild Slash
2 words; Bye Shock.
No. 1: Refocus
Just when I'm convinced Jeskai Ascendancy is not going to be a huge deal as it was initially hyped, we have this... No. Even in U/x Delver decks, it's a pain to see this triggering prowess.. This my friend, is going to cause havoc around in constructed formats thanks to the Furious Five and Swiftspear (prowess).
It's because of those cards that this card is going to be quite irritating. By itself, it's almost a useless card. You won't play it even in limited. Not really a reason to unless you really need the draw that desperately.... Anycase, keep an eye on this card.
Well, that's my 10 picks for Fate Reforged Expansion. What are your top picks for Fate Reforged? Agree with my comments? Disagree? Would love to hear some feedback and your discussions! For now, let's await for the 2nd Expansion of this epic set. I am convinced that this set will change the game.
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