Tuesday, July 14, 2015

MTG:O : No, Not the Online... [First Look!]

Magic Origins marks the end of the infamously good/bad Core Set expansions (choose one). I did review and briefly mentioned it in an earlier article with regards to the impact of the faster rotation cycle to both the meta and card prices; so if you haven't read on that, please go update yourself. But, then again there is nothing to do with what I really want to discuss here.

Magic Origins, in my opinion, is a really unique set. An article over at MTGGoldfish noted that it is a great set for EDH/Commander format and I couldn't agree more. It gives plenty of accessories for various decks to play and experiment with, adding new spins to the synergies currently present in the format. I can go into details here as to how and why the cards fit into commander well, but I'll just cut short by saying these cards gives advantage in board presence or numbers upon resolution. Hmm.. maybe later I'll give a more detailed analysis on the better EDH cards in the set.

For now, here is my top 15 cards from the set. As usual, I do not look at the financial value of the cards, but purely on the appeal as first impression. Again, the numbers DO NOT have any reference to the appeal level. In fact, this is arranged in alphabetical order

15. Abbot of Keral Keep

I want play-set of these NOW. Going extremely well in Burn decks, it can fit the bill as a 2-4 off for its card advantage. Prowess is a cool mechanic to boot! (Remember Monastery Swiftspear?) I won't see it to be played in EDH, but rather in constructed formats. I really think there is high potential of it being played even in Modern and Legacy. Just keep in mind that the exiled card can be PLAYED. Not casted. So, lands exiled that way can still be played. Even if not, you have 1 less land to worry about. This is especially crucial in late game when you top-deck this. In early game it's relatively aggressive body for a low 2cmc works well with the Prowess mechanic when you untap for turn 3. That's a potential 5 damage there, not counting your t1 drop yet! Such explosiveness... 

Oh ya, did I forget to mention that the artwork looks INCREDIBLE? Foiled copies are going at around $20-$25 as of writing this article.

14. Archangel of Tithes

The ability of this card looks familiar... Where did I see this before? Any-case, 4 mana for a 3/5 body with Flying is decent. What makes it a powerhouse in EDH and possibly in Constructed is that the ability of locking out your opponents' mana when attacking or defending. Essentially it stops your opponents from attacking or prevent them from casting anything, whichever they chooses, and gives everyone in your team unblockable unless your opponents hold their mana sources open *cough*control*cough*decks*ahem*. Rarely that happens, so she really taxes your opponent to make their choices wisely. Even much so, it's worse in EDH with so much more hate and tax cards available!

13. Avaricious Dragon

I don't know... Something about this card appeals to me. It's not a pricey card eventually, sure. Maybe for the fact that getting additional card advantage at your draw step is what makes me look at this card much harder. 4 mana for 4/4 flying is quite awesome. It's a dragon. It gives you extra card. In mid-late game and if you are playing heavy red, you will want the extra card. Badly. And I really meant Badly.

Also, by the time you are playing this card and if the discard phase is hurting you more than the extra draw, I'm pretty sure you have played wrongly somewhere. Nothing else, it's a freaking Dragon with a cool art!!

12. Dark Petition

I'm torn between this and Increasing Ambition... I know! Why not both? One is a "fixed" Demonic Tutor, which rebates 3 mana to you for other spells. The other is a costly Diabolic tutor for a flashback ability; potentially netting you 3 cards of your choice for 13 mana total. Hey, it's EDH! 13 mana is nothing. It's the eventual 3 searched cards that's important. Having 1 more tutor will never hurt as well!
11. Day's Undoing

You know how everyone hates how you mess the 3-4 hour long game by restarting the game? Me neither. This card gives them the middle finger. Worse is that you played this after cards that literally restarts the game! I'm looking at you Karn...

10. Demonic Pact

Speaking of messing up games. This card is awesome in both artwork and flavour. I'm not sold to immediately buy this card bow, but I really love this card! It simply oozes with the flavour of the story; how Liliana made a pact to become stronger and eventually, having to pay the debt. But, to the heck with that right? We can always be greedy and just remove this. Now, that's the anti-climax to the flavor. I'll get this card in foil eventually. Even not for the use, it's also for the art.

9. Goblin Piledriver

Internet exploded with speculations and goblins all around MTG are rejoicing when this card is reprinted in MTG Origins. I merely included it here, knowing its impact in legacy Goblins and that it is potentially playable in other constructed formats. Note that it's still a creature that is easily removed in Modern. But, nonetheless, it could be what the Goblin decks in Modern are waiting for to push them to tier 1. Not likely though, but I'm still keen to see what will happen next.

8. Hallowed Moonlight

You know, when I said the Internet exploded for Goblin Piledriver reprint, My heart exploded when I saw this card. It's freaking awesome! it's 2 mana, rebates you a card, and it essentially shuts down a lot of decks! Bye Reanimator, Tokens, and Aether Vial strategies. Goodnight Collected Company! It's incredibly versatile in the hate, that I will perceive it to be a staple sideboard card in many white decks. It is possible that it can push to be main-boarded in some strategies. We'll see. 

Side note; It kills my modern decks... So, yay and boo!! 

7. Herald of the Pantheon

Look, I don't know if this is a joke, but really? Where were you when we are in Theros?! Did you make a wrong turn and ended up in the Percy Jackson Movie? Alright, small rant aside, it's gonna appeal in the B/G constellation deck that people are still playing in standard constructed. Other than that, it's gonna be a EDH / Casual appeal card. Not that saying it won't be played in other formats, but.. we need to see it have a home for it first. Maybe new decks revolving enchantments (pillow fort?) works with it? Too bad it's not a Nyx-bordered card, else it's going to be a very beautiful card.

6. Languish

So I heard you wanted a Damnation reprint? Well, we can almost give you that. Here is this card, have fun with it! Oh yes I will... Yes I will... For those out there who thinks -4/-4 is not impactful, It's enough to wipe out a lot of creatures before turn 4/5. Plus, it is -4/-4, so it works past indestructibility! Needless to say, it will definitely see play in constructed and in EDH. Just how many pieces you want.

5. Evolutionary Leap

A not-so broken Survival of the Fittest. Nevertheless, it gets the job done. I'm getting this one in Foil! Potentially to see very broken combo plays in some constructed decks. Needless to say, this is a staple in EDH IMO.

Honorable Mention: Nissa Revelation

4. Hallowed Moonlight

You know how sick this card is? Elves running rampant with Ezuri and then you have this lady? I'm done. I'm really done with elves. I regret selling my Elf deck! Note that she is a pain in the ass in Constructed. Worse so in EDH... 

Honorable Mention: Eye-Blight Massacre

3. Sword of the Animist

First we have Caged Sun. Now we have this. Do you know how sick this is with Voltron Commanders? Note, the equipped creature has just to only attack! Not even needing to deal combat damage! I'll be scouting for some of these! Also, the art looks awesome! It's like a lightsaber, Elf version!

2. Woodland Bellower

I am a sucker for 2 things. Things that give unfair board advantage and things that are in the Bant colours. Woodland Bellower falls into that category and I really love that it gives you a tutor effect for a smaller creature that is cmc 3 or less and it directly enters the battlefield. Do note that in EDH, I can foresee it being an absolute Beast! Yes, pun intended... Downside it's a weaker Sun Titan, but hey, don't complain! It's in green! He's still stompy and big! The only thing I'll complain is that this beast has no trample. Really?

1. Planeswalkers

Planeswalkers will definitely make an appearance in my top 10/15 lists in any First Look articles. They have amazing art, abilities and appeal to a lot of formats. That is unless, of course, you are Tibalt and Jace, Living Guildpact. Those 2 are deemed unplayable by many. But still, you have to admit that they still have a pretty decent art.

This time round, I feature all 5 planeswalkers for 2 reasons. Firstly, they are FLIP-cards! It's a unique spin to what we know and came to be used to. For once, we see a creature/planeswalker flip card. I don't think we will be seeing that again in near future, or even in any time. Unless they decided to do origin stories for all the planeswalker, then that will be amazing! Plus side, the art for all 10 sides of the card is extremely beautiful. To me, they really capture the essence of them when they are "normal" and when their spark ignited in the art.

Secondly, They are relevant to an extend in various formats. Nissa in EDH? Yes please! Liliana, Gideon, Chandra in Constructed? Probably yes as well! Oh ya I left out Jace. He's Jace... He'll either make or break any format he is introduced so let him do the talking himself.

Ranking-wise, I'd probably rank Liliana, Gideon, Nissa, Jace then Chandra in terms of who appeals to me the most. Yes, bonus points for Liliana for being that sexy. No, I do not have a fetish over such art. I'd still rank her top based on her abilities even with a different art.

So this concludes my top 15 cards. I know I have missed out quite a number of cards, but as said, this are the top 15 cards in my opinion. So I want to know which are your top picks for MTG Origins! I won't be touching the financial value of the set as a whole, but I may look into doing a analysis for some of the cards in the coming month. Keep a look out for more content and share!

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