
Monday, July 28, 2014

U of the 15

As where we left off, here are the uncommons!
  • Act on Impulse
Similar to Chandra, Pyromaster's 2nd ability. It's quite good per say, giving RDW decks some sort of fuel or extra draw when needed.
  • Ajani's Pridemate
If your deck happens to revolve around lifegain synergies, YES. If not, avoid him.
  • Altac Bloodseeker
I'm telling you, this card is very sick. Play it every time in limited, just play it! 2 mana 2/1 is underwhelming but if you can remove a creature during declare attacking or before combat phase, it's a different story altogether. 
  • Ancient Silverback
Good fatty to curve into for limited. Plus a cheap regeneration ability is really something that you can jump into for late game strategies.
  • Back to Nature
Whatever you do, don't play it mainboard in limited. There is absolutely no reason to. Its best as a sideboard card.
  • Battle Mastery
Er.... Don't. If you are enchanting a big creature, he's winning games already.
  • Belligerent Sliver
Not a bad card, but for its ability, 2/2 seems a bit underwhelming... If it's in a sliver deck, it's different story.
  • Blood Host
Neat combat trick clean up. Buffs itself, gives you life and the ability is repetitive, it's a draft bomb to be honest.
  • Boonweaver Giant
Hey Soverigns!!! Well, almost... It's viable in limited and actually in EDH. It searches auras and automatically enchants itself. So it's a great bomb to use if you have some decent auras to play with.
  • Brawler's Plate
In limited, it's a good card to play 1 piece or something like that. Most of the time you'll realise equipments will become a dead draw in mid game when you rather have creatures or removals to keep pushing on the game.
  • Brood Keeper
If you have plenty of auras and in a mood for a fun deck, this would be a deck to play. It is screaming "work a deck around me!" Anyone else heard it? No? Ah well... In limited it's a decent card to play, given the ability actually spawns 2/2 dragons. Just 1-2 aura is enough to create havoc. It's a decent card to play and keep. At least for my opinion.
  • Caustic Tar
Limited only. It's a game winner on its own. Puts opponent on a clock if left alone
  • Circle of Flame
Okay card to use... but I'm not sure how deep the impact it will have in the formats... Honestly I have never seen anyone use this yet.
  • Cone of Flame
Sick sick card in limited. I've used it in pre-release and it saves me games. Constructed may see some play to remove
  • Congregate
Probably a good sideboard card for limited. Nothing else to use with this card really. I think there are better cards to use in limited.
  • Constricting Sliver
A bomb on its own. Has Journey to Nowhere on it, hence it removes threats and well.. if you have other slivers...
  • Darksteel Citadel
You know why it's good already. Artifact land, you have the Ensoul Artifact, you have Shrapnel Blast, And it's used in Constructed. So yes, this is a good can in constructed. For limited... unless you have artifact theme revolving the deck, if not I guess it's still a land.
  • Dauntless River Marshal
It's at best a curve filler. At best it's a 2 mana 3/2, which is good. A 4 mana to tap creature is annoyingly expensive, but it is okay on the curve. If you are asking why this is an okay card, but Tyrant's Machine is crap, that's because, this is still a creature and I can attack with it still.
  • Devouring Light
Incredibly powerful removal in limited. Play it everytime!
  • Diffusion Sliver
A must-have for any sliver tribal decks. if not, just drop him in limited and stack some auras and laugh. Wait...
  • Dissipate
Remember how Dissipate impacted Standard in Innistrad period? Expect the same.
  • Endless Obedience
Potentially to see play in constructed. It has potential to be a free reanimation spell in the right deck. 
  • Ensoul Artifact
I'm telling you, this card have potential in breaking standard as an archetype of its own. As I am writing this, there are already deck ideas and brews of it. It's a sick limited bomb if you manage to get artifacts. It's incredibly powerful in constructed if you happen to lay it on turn 2. It has potential to impact other formats like modern or legacy.
  • Feast on the Fallen
Not really for limited IMO, it can be used, but I feel it goes in better in EDH or in casual multiplayer decks.
  • Feral Incarnation
If you are casting this and still not winning, something is wrong... 9 mana for 9/9 power across 3 bodies is absolute insanity. Plus, having able to convoke it means you can cast it earlier. This means your board position can easily change to be ahead.
  • First Response
Upkeep, give a free soldier, it's a game turning card! Wait, if you lose life... Hmm... basically you trade 1 life for a soldier, it's okay, if you work it out that way, but don't forget combat damage. The 1/1 would be okay as chump blockers, buying you time, but if an army of flyers are what you are up against, then...
  • Frenzied Goblin
Sweet combat strategies ahead! I would think it deserves a spot in goblin decks. 
  • Furnace Whelp
It's fine... but pick other things if possible. But as it is, red usually have dragons as their main flyers... so this is a relatively cheap dragon with a bonus buff.
  • Gargoyle Sentinel
Blocker or attacker, it's still a decent pick in limited
  • Garruk's Packleader
Wooo... card draw as a creature with huge power enters, it's a great card in limited! 5 mana 4/4 with an ability that may be easily used. But, don't expect to reap a lot from the ability in a single game.
  • Gather Courage
This, Mutagenic Growth or Giant Growth is better? It's not really that comparable actually. It has its uses in different deck, but if given a choice, why not just Giant Growth?
  • Geist of the Moors
If you have other cards, play it. It's rather fragile. Thanks to its flying ability, it is less exposed to blockers, but I would presume most decks would draft a significant amount of flyers.
  • Gravedigger
A decent card to play in limited for its card recursion ability. 
  • Heat Ray
Basically a removal in any timing of the game. It's a good creature removal if you have the mana
  • Hot Soup
A fine card in limited. In combat, equipped creature is unblockable. The only way to remove it is through non-combat means, which sticking it on a bomb you have is relatively hard for your opponents to remove it. It's a double edge sword still though.
  • Illusory Angel
Too powerful to ignore. It has a drawback of course, but you can easily work around it in any format. She is not really meant to be casted in early game, but we have Ornithopter... so who knows?
  • Into the Void
  • Jace's Ingenuity
Closest to Sphinx's Revelation in post RTR Standard. Good card to play in any format if there are no better draws
  • Jorubai Murk Lurker
He falls in between "meh... average" to a pretty decent card. What is the idea of drafting him into your deck pool? blocker? attacker? I'm not sure what to put him as. He can be great in either as well as bad in both cos there are better blockers and attackers than it. It's not a bad choice, but more of a filler that comes into mind if I play B/U in limited. 
  • Juggernaut
Draft bomb. Period. Nothing else.
  • Kapsho Kitefins
Don't underestimate this card. It can tap down a bomb you have, then swing for 3 in air, it's a good pick in limited actually.
  • Kird Chieftain
Decent draft pick. Good on the curve for late game.
  • Leeching Sliver
I think if this card is really to be used, its maximum effectiveness will only be in a sliver deck. By itself is fine, taking it as a 2 mana 2/1 essentially, but if you have better picks, don't hesitate to pick the others.
  • Meteorite
I can write an essay on how I misjudged this card in pre-release and it costed me games. Most of the games, in fact, I lost is due to this card. Dealing 2 damage to any creature means a lot of my creatures are in target range for this as a removal, it gives the opponent mana fixing, so whole in all it's a viable card in limited. Just don't underestimate falling rocks. I'm not saying this is an auto priority pick; I'm merely saying this is a good last pick over a lot of things.
  • Might Makes Right
A very interesting card which will appeal more to the EDH or casual group. Constructed formats may avoid this card, but who knows? There may be a right deck for it once rotation hits.
  • Military Intelligence
One of the more hyped cards and I did not introduce this card when I made the post on the first look on M15. Thing is this card has a lot of potential to be extremely power in the standard format right now. Even a deck is revolving around this  and Ensoul Artifact as I am writing this article.
  • Necrogen Scudder
One of my favourite draft bombs. 3 mana 3/3 flying, lose 3 life is a fine deal. It either baits a kill spell or removal, or it will just fly through most things or take them down with it.
  • Nightfire Giant
A limited bomb if you are playing B/R. Play it every time you draft that colour. I guarantee you, it's a sweet pick. Having the ability to remove creatures makes a whole load of difference when it comes to blocking. Also, the ability also directs to players. All in one package!
  • Nissa's Expedition
  • Overwhelm
A beast in limited at first glance, but looking at the card, the convoke ability is a little redundant to the spell's ability.. you need to "sacrifice" creatures for the convoke ability, meaning you can't attack with them... unless you pay the 7 mana, you need find that right balance.
  • Paragon of Eternal Wilds
  • Paragon of Fierce Defiance
  • Paragon of Gathering Mists
  • Paragon of New Dawns
  • Paragon of Open Graves
Regardless of what Paragon. All of them are limited-worthy. They may see constructed play if the strategies works around mono-colours.
  • Profane Memento
  • Quickling
  • Reclamation Sage
A card that is good in elf decks. Even not in one, it's a good card with a good ability. May be quite relevant in limited and constructed.
  • Restock
I think this card is meant more for constructed play or for EDH if any applications available.
  • Roaring Primadox
Decent bomb to play in limited. Just be careful of its upkeep cost.
  • Rogue's Gloves
With the options of different evasion tactics and means, it's quite easy to get a bit of bonus out from this card.
  • Sacred Armory
Just no... not even as a filler.
  • Sengir Vampire
This is a good bomb. 5 mana 4/4 flyer and potentially to grow, it's a powerhouse by itself if underestimated.
  • Seraph of the Masses
I'm telling you, avoid this where possible. Ideally it's a huge flyer, but in the worst case scenarios, it's an expensive 1/1 flyer..
  • Serra Angel
Classic white bomb. Just play it in limited. It may even see play in constructed for budget versions.
  • Shrapnel Blast
It saw constructed play, but I doubt it will as the format is not exactly artifact heavy... 
  • Stab Wound
Sick card in limited. Enchant this on any 3 toughness creature, you'll see them bleed to death... I lost and won games in pre-release (including RTR pre-release) because of this card. However, it won't see constructed play.
  • Staff of the Death Magus
  • Staff of the Flame Magus
  • Staff of the Mind Magus
  • Staff of the Sun Magus
  • Staff of the Wild Magus
The Staffs are situational. If by happen that you are going into a mirror match with heavy mono-colours, this will help. If not, you are better off freeing the slots for something else.
  • Stoke the Flames
Even without convoke, 4 mana to deal 4 damage to creature or player is fine in limited. In constructed, it will be playable if convoke is used properly.
  • Sunblade Elf
A good card in G/W aggro to be honest. 1 mana 2/2 is fine, the 5 mana sinking in is a little much, but if you ramp it can work out.
  • Tormod's Crypt
Please do not play it in limited.. please please do not. Constructed is fine, but still has limited application with Relic of Progenitus and many "better" cards out there. Competition for the deck slot is stiff. So use sparingly.
  • Turn to Frog
Fun card in any format. Turn the biggest creature into a frog and smile.
  • Ulcerate
You remember how sick Lightning Bolt was? This is a black dysfunctional reprint. It makes the creatures -3/-3, meaning indestructible creatures will die, but it makes you lose 3 life. So... essentially you still take the 3 damage if the creature ideally is a 3/3 or something.
  • Venom Sliver
Even if you are not playing sliver decks, a 2 mana 1/1 deathtouch is pretty insane as a blocker.
  • Wall of Essence
2 mana 0/4... It's great as a wall! plus it has pseudo-lifelink! Great in limited, in constructed... hey, defender decks anyone?
  • Wall of Frost
A decent wall in both limited and constructed for specific uses only.
  • Wall of Limbs
If somehow you have a deck revolving lifegain, this is a good card. All else, it's a wall.... you know, wall to block off creatures...
  • Wall of Mulch
This is actually a very good wall. A low casting cost, with a low activation to draw a card, it's actually decent. Good blocking and draw when needed.
  • Warden of the Beyond
If somehow you have a way to exile something your opponent has, it's a great card; else, 3 mana 2/2 with vigilance is fine in limited.
  • Xathrid Slyblade
It's not exactly a bomb per say, but it's a powerful in combat in limited. In constructed... it may see play.

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