
Friday, July 25, 2014

C of the 15...

Apologies for the delay for this post. I was busy with work and research and I needed time to organise the post before posting.

I was intending to follow the format like how I did with the rares, but as it comes to organizing the post and trying to create the content, I realized it's actually very difficult to actually pin-point what is good and what is bad for commons and uncommons. The reason is simply because these cards, will be more prominent in limited, rather than constructed. I'm not saying that they are completely unplayable in constructed; Maybe 80% may not see constructed play, but they are bombs in limited due to the vary in pool size and format limitations. I'm referring that 20% making the cut to be constructed, they have value to the cardboard. As I discussed last month in the article whether there are value in commons and uncommons, the 20% will form the backbone for most of the decks. In fact, most of the cards that are required to "glue" some of the deck to form the required synergy are the commons and uncommons. 

That being said, I'll review the cards based on the algorithm that I have created back on the post when I'm discussing on how to review whether a card may be good or bad. To recap, I mentioned that a basic analysis of the card would be determined by these 5 factors:
  1. Is the card mainly for flavour or ability? Judging from name alone won't help. Read the ability.
  2. Is the card ability good?
  3. Cost to ability ratio? 
  4. Has the card been reprinted? If yes, value of the card prior reprint?
  5. Demand and supply of card?
So if I were to focus on constructed, basically I can pin-point only a couple that is worth constructed play or may have some sort of potential to see play. But, if I were to expand my classification, I would have to discuss a larger set of cards and whether they are viable in which particular type of format.

Underlined cards are possible cards viable for constructed.
  • Accursed Spirit 
Good draft bomb. 4 mana for 3/2 body, pseudo-evasion. Won't be seeing any constructed play.
  • Aeronaut Tinkerer 
More for limited; without any artifacts it's a 3 mana 2/3. Anything else it's a bonus.
  • Amphin Pathmage 
Sick sick sick card in limited... 4 mana 3/2. Bonus, it gives any creature unblockable!
  • Black Cat
Interesting pick for limited but not the priority pick. More of a filler than a need. Not viable for constructed.
  • Blastfire Bolt 
Maybe a 1-2 of in limited. Too slow and not applicable for constructed at the moment.
  • Borderland Marauder 
2 mana 3/2 when attacking. Absolute top pick in limited. Not so much viability in constructed
  • Bronze Sable 
  • Carnivorous Moss-Beast 
Nice bomb to curve into for limited. But, not something that you want in excess. Maybe 1-2 piece at max.
  • Carrion Crow 
Decent in limited. Not first pick but a good filler.
  • Centaur Courser 
3 mana 3/3 vanilla creature; decent in limited, absolutely wrecked in constructed.
  • Charging Rhino 
Situational. Madcap Skills is still in constructed so it may see budget constructed play. In limited it's a good curve ender actually
  • Child of Night 
Classic Limited bomb. 2/1 lifelink for 2 mana is very worth it!
  • Chronostutter 
Strong ability for a decent cost. Constructed may see vague play, but limited is absolutely beast.
  • Clear a Path 
  • Coral Barrier 
It's actually really good in limited 3 mana 2/4 over 2 bodies with one having island-walk is really good!
  • Covenant of Blood 
May see play in constructed due to the convoke cost. 4 life gain and loss means 8 damage difference. If used right it's really a game changer. If worse come to worse, it's still 4 life gain/loss.
  • Crippling Blight 
It's actually good. 1 mana to disable the large threats essentially.
  • Crowd's Favor
Really sick card. +1/+0 at 1 mana is bad, but with convoke and first strike is a total different story!
  • Divination 
Don't care. A draw card is always a good ability. Just play it.
  • Divine Favor 
Limited use in limited. Not something that I'll pick unless necessary.
  • Divine Verdict 
Decent removal in limited. No seriously. It's decent.
  • Elvish Mystic 
Functional reprint of Llanowar Elves. Staple in any green ramp strategies so...
  • Encrust 
Limited "removal". It's still good in its own ways but not first pick.
  • Ephemeral Shields
Beginner's mistake; don't rely too heavily on it. It's good, but not ideally the best or even close to as good as you think
  • Eternal Thirst 
IT's A Trap! It's not as good as it seem. Too many situational conditions to fulfill before you can get the best out of the card. If you have a way to make removal consistently available, good. If not, you are better off playing something else.
  • Evolving Wilds 
Budget mana-fixers... Hey why not?
  • Festergloom 
Not the best removal or the worst. Actually who am I kidding? It's quite bad. I don't really think it will fit in any deck. Not that I can think of at the top of my head.
  • Flesh to Dust 
2 more mana for an "can't be regenerated"on Murder. Very power removal in limited. Let's stick to Doom Blade for constructed shall we?
  • Forge Devil 
I'll struggle with this to even consider him as a filler. At best, he is a removal for 1 mana and 1 life. At worst, he basically eat up 1 life and hits a fatty for a 1/1 body.
  • Foundry Street Denizen 
Going heavy red? This card will be a bomb! If not, try stay away from him if you don't plan to draft red. Heck! If you know someone does, make sure he doesn't take this!
  • Frost Lynx 
Very powerful pseudo-removal. ETB, tap a fatty, swing! It's rather good in limited. 3 mana 2/3 is decent and its ability is really good. I'll take this as a priority pick if needed!
  • Fugitive Wizard 
  • Generator Servant
It's a good card. It gives a rare mana ramp for red, gives the creatures casted that way haste, it's pretty darn awesome honestly. 2 mana for 2/1 is a bit weak though. But you'll get by as a 2/1 at worst, at best it ramps 2 mana to give you a bigger threat with haste!
  • Glacial Crasher 
Classic draft bomb! 6 mana 5/5 trample with conditional that you must play with mountains. So unless you are more or less fixed into playing Izzet Colours, maybe there would be a better fatty to curve into.
  • Goblin Roughrider 
3 mana 3/2 vanilla. Something that you would want to fill in your curve actually. In constructed, please no...
  • Hammerhand 
Decent Aura... Decent.. May or may not see constructed though..
  • Heliod's Pilgrim 
This card has serious potential in Standard constructed. It may not be that good limited unless you have some seriously good auras to play it with. Unless the former is fulfilled, I'd say leave this card to see  its potential in constructed instead.
  • Hunt the Weak 
"Fight"mechanic is pretty darn underestimated till now actually. It's actually quite useful as it engage opponent's creature into a combat damage step without going into combat step. (I'm shooting myself in the foot here, but you get what I mean.) 4 mana to put a +1/+1 counter and sort of remove a creature, it's still great! This applies to limited. In constructed, there would be better ways for removal.
  • Hunter's Ambush
A very unique card solely for mono-green decks. It's a one-sided fog if you use it in that kind of deck. Anything else, it's an expensive fog 
  • Hydrosurge 
-5/-0 may seem worth it at first. But..... No.
  • Inferno Fist 
It's a good card in both limited and constructed. Limited is a sick bomb; pumping creature by +2/+0 and shooting creature or player 2 damage. A very flexible card and potentially viable for some aura decks or enchantment-based decks.
  • Inspired Charge
Good finisher in limited. Seems abit underwhelming for constructed.
  • Invasive Species 
Seems decent enough to play if you have ETB/LTB shenanigens. If not it's pretty much just a 3 mana 3/3 with a draw back on board position.
  • Invisibility 
Pseudo-unblockable for 2 mana? Why not? Just note that playing a high number in limted will be a disaster as your creature count is lower generally.
  • Kinsbaile Skirmisher 
It's not a bad creature. Its ability is an upside so just play him. 2 mana 2/2 with a potential of him going 3/3 is great! Just that he has no haste so don't make that mistake.
  • Krenko's Enforcer 
3 mana 2/2 with intimidate? Play it! Just play it in limted.
  • Lava Axe 
If really no choice, then use this card. If not, there are other alternatives!
  • Lightning Strike 
Standard constructed staple. Limited bomb removal. So yea...
  • Living Totem 
Underestimated bomb IMO. This guy buffs any creature and has convoke to make him cheaper to cast. It's possible to see some constructed play if the things are in the right place.
  • Marked by Honor 
This... is a bit too much on the casting side. a +2/+2 buff with vigilance is nice, but at the expanse of 4 mana to do it, it's pretty expensive. If it goes off, it's fine to give that additional +2/+2 buff. Vigilance is just cherry on the topping, but like I said, it's expensive
  • Meditation Puzzle 
1 word. Avoid. Just avoid playing this in mainboard at all costs!
  • Midnight Guard 
Pretty cool post-combat trick to gain you pseudo-vigilance; on top of that 3 mana 2/3 is decent by itself.
  • Mind Rot 
Despite how much it is being played over the years, it's still a good card in both limited and constructed. making opponents to discard 2 is actually a huge advantage that people often overlooked. That is unless you play this guy or in fact, these...
  • Mind Sculpt 
2 mana to rid you 7 cards? why not? Have chance to hit your bomb into the graveyard, in constructed it means less 7 cards as answers.
  • Miner's Bane 
A nice bomb to curve into in late game. Especially with all that mana to sink into. Just that he will pretty much die to any 3 power creature. But, hey! Trample!
  • Naturalize 
Decent SB card in any format. No really; it's a good card to play as a sideboard. Especially with all the enchantments running about nowadays in standard constructed.
  • Necrobite 
Not a top pick, but if you happen to have it, it's a neat combat trick. If not, you pretty much off playing something else if you really want something else. I won't pick it in limited as priority pick, but it's still a pick I will choose over other a lot of things.
  • Necromancer's Assistant 
If there are any graveyard strategies, you pretty much can play him. Else he is a 3 mana 3/1... which is quite underwhelming...
  • Negate
Classic counterspell for non-creatures. It is very versatile that it has seen constructed play. Enough said.
  • Netcaster Spider 
Beast in limited. Potential to hit 4/3 when blocking a flyer. Anything else, it's a 3 mana 2/3 which is decent actually.
  • Nimbus of the Isles 
Bomb in limited. 5 mana 3/3 is a bit pressing, but he has evasion! So it kind of makes up for it.
  • Oppressive Rays 
It's not bad... just that there are better cards to play over this...
  • Oreskos Swiftclaw 
2 mana 3/1 seems to be great and all, but with his 1 toughness you kinda will think that this poor guy will be blocked and removed pretty much by ANYTHING... So play it with caution...
  • Ornithopter 
Oh come on... Do I really need to explain this guy? A free casting creature, 0/2 body and please do not pick him off as first choice unless you have solid plans for him. Constructed, go right ahead.
  • Peel from Reality 
Kinda of a cheap and useful bounce spell if used right. Anything else is just wrong use of the card...
  • Pillar of Light 
Insane removal! Play it! But, watch its text!
  • Plummet 
Sideboard card and rarely see play, but it's essential still, given the format and meta will forever have flying creatures so similar to Naturalize, it's a needed reprint.
  • Radiant Fountain 
You know how mutavaults are like... This guys won't replace them but if needed and all else fails, they still net you 2 life points..
  • Raise the Alarm 
Powerful card... It's already seen constructed play for its board advantage reasons so I won't discuss too much about it.
  • Ranger's Guile 
Neat combat trick! Use sparingly....
  • Razorfoot Griffin 
4 mana 2/2 flying, first strike. Not a bomb, but it's a powerful threat to be reckoned. In limited only.
  • Research Assistant 
It's a bad card. 4 mana to "loot" is just bad...
  • Rotfeaster Maggot 
A very interesting card in limited. It saves me a game or two, but I only used 1 copy. If all else possible, don't use him unless needed. He can easily be a trap for new players to use 2-3 copies cos the ability is really good, but realistically speaking, most of the creatures in drafts do not have toughness beyond 3 or 4. So watch the game and yourself if you have the means to play him to your advantage or not.
  • Rummaging Goblin 
What's going on? This goblin loots better than the blue guy above... Okay... He's fine in limited as a filter or "card draw"but you won't get any card advantage out from this but more of additional options.
  • Runeclaw Bear 
2 mana 2/2 bear! This is the card that benchmarks all creatures whether they are good for limited or not.
  • Sanctified Charge 
Similar to inspired charge, it's a good finisher, especially for white creatures. But, just don't play too many of this guy in any format. 5 mana sinking in means you are trading off a bomb to buff your army. Make it count.
  • Satyr Wayfinder 
Mana ramps are a little out of place nowadays. He is a good mana finder, just that he waste a lot of things...
  • Scrapyard Mongrel 
IF you have an artifact, it's a beast by itself. If you don't have an artifact, play him anyway. He is still a 4 mana 3/3...
  • Seismic Strike 
It may see some constructed play if he is targeting player also... Anything else it's still just a creature removal at instant speed.
  • Selfless Cathar 
Not a bad card for combat trick; Sac him, gives your army a +1/+1 buff... it changes games when the time is right actually.
  • Shadowcloak Vampire 
5 mana 4/3 flying (if you pay that 2 life) it's a bomb. It's a good draft bomb.
  • Shaman of Spring
4 mana 2/2 with a draw card ability? It's fine. Anything that let's you draw card is good!
  • Siege Wurm 
7 mana 5/5, trample, convoke. It's a killer bomb in limited! For constructed, you have this guy!
  • Sign in Blood 
Staple in any black deck (generally). 2 mana, 2 life to draw 2 cards is worth it every time when you play it. Anything else, it's a finisher by itself. Really awesome as a common and a definite play in both limited and constructed
  • Solemn Offering 
Sideboard card actually... But if you are playing green, Naturalize is better.
  • Soulmender 
meh... use him if you run heavy life-gain strategies or just don't play with him at all
  • Statute of Denial 
If there is no Dissipate, use this if you really need counterspells. In constructed, name 5 cards better than this! Easy right?
  • Sungrace Pegasus 
Only good as a limited filler. 1/2 flyer with lifelink is good. But, you'll consider adding him in only if you have spare slot
  • Thundering Giant 
5 mana 4/3 haste is good. It's good such that it was a Uncommon previously. No seriously; in limited this guy is a great curve finisher!
  • Tireless Missionaries
Filler. If not no point playing him mainboard; even for drafts.
  • Titanic Growth 
An alright pump spell that see minimal play. So draft with caution. No point getting more than 2-3 piece and have nothing to target on.
  • Torch Fiend 
Fine in limited and constructed if really needed. If nothing else, it's a sideboard card.
  • Triplicate Spirits
Very playable. It's one of the few commons that are constructed viable and is really strong if played right.
  • Typhoid Rats
Hah! Priority pick! Deathtouch is sick on this guy! 1 mana 1/1 deathtouch is a huge upside! It's an extremely powerful blocker!
  • Tyrant's Machine
Really? 6 mana sinked to tap a creature? Pass....
  • Undergrowth Scavenger
Situational, but some things can still work out... Not a priority pick but it grows overtime in the game, so it's still good in its own ways
  • Unmake the Graves
Potentially a recurring strategy for standard constructed. May see play. In limited... I think that 5 mana is better sunk into another fatty to help put pressure on the clock
  • Verdant Haven
What's wrong with this card? It's a great mana-fixer! pick it late if you really needed it. Else it's a bonus if it ends up to you and you have nothing else to play.
  • Vineweft
Decent card with a bonus ability that can be taken advantage of if you have cards with ETB triggers
  • Void Snare
Sorcery speed, but still a good removal.
  • Walking Corpse
2/2 for 2, vanilla, drafts will want him.
  • Wall of Fire
If you somehow need a defensive wall which can kill off something, THIS! Other than that, it would be a decent blocker for limited. But, do not run too many of this guy.
  • Welkin Tern
In limited, he is still a flying bomb!
  • Will-Forged Golem
I love this guy. although 6 mana 4/4 is a little stretched, it's still decent due to its convoke ability, making it able to enter the battlefield as early as turn 3 or 4
  • Witch's Familiar
3 mana 2/3... decent curve filler actually.
  • Zof Shade
4 mana 2/2 with the option to sink mana to buff it... It will be a tough choice to choose between this or the other shade... But, by itself, it's still good.

This should cover the commons for M15... The next post coming up will cover the uncommons!

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