
Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016. The attack plan

  • I purposely skipped BFZ set as it is underwhelming and Overhyped. IMO.
  • I am on hiatus on MTG as long as I have last posted. 
So what's next?
My new plan for 2016: Build back up my collection and get more involved in PROPER trading. When I used the term "proper", I meant that the trading I will involve myself is having an end goal of expanding my collection of EDH and Modern staples, and at the same time, it's time to cash out from this. So, here is my plan of attack for MTG this year:
  1. I have decided (finally) on two extra 3 D-Ring Binders to hold my Modern and EDH staples, which those, are not for trade unless for really specific reasons like staple-to-staple trading or up-value trading. 
  2. My current binder is left for the same purpose, as a trade binder. I'll be using that for most of my trades and will primarily be carrying that around for trades.
  3. I'm opening up a land binder, which caters to EDH and Modern primarily, but actual fact, it will be open for any formats. This is a move I learnt from my friend after thinking through the uses of a land binder
  4. The current 4x4 binder will be used to store my holding value cards, which I intend to sell them of after X amount of years or when the price spike. So, basically it's a store-and-forget kind of binder.
  5. So what about bulk rares? I am still contemplating on that, but likely I'll put a closure to that aspect of trading as it is too time consuming and too much work to update the list every other week. In most cases, the work just breaks down. I have to be more efficient. I'll KIV on this, but at the moment, I won't be continuing bulk rare trading.
  6. I'm still on PucaTrade and Deckbox and will continue to trade there. But, I'm only looking to trade into EDH and Modern Staples as targets.
  7. I'm rebooting my excel spreadsheet by logging every trade I'll be doing this year! Time to get organised and stick to it! Also, time to log in an inventory of the cards I have. A major time sink, but it had to be done to get organised.
  8. Great regret but, I'll probably only be posting and updating the blog as and when I can. I cannot maintain this blog without any passive income and this year is a busy year for me. I'll leave the blog open as a mark of whatever I have accomplished as a journey milestone. Maybe when I am able to get a passive income, I'll come back to blog. Maybe switch over to YouTube to do videos? I'm thinking of doing something that analyse cards in decks or something on the line that does critical analysis? I still have yet to find a niche spot to focus on, so at the moment now, I'll just stick to trading and play for the bulk of my time.

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