
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Core Set 2015: FULL REVIEW



We kick start the review with the prime of any set. The most anticipated set of cards that everyone will look into it first before jumping their heads over on other stuffs. I'm looking at planeswalkers to be exact. Look at that! 6 planeswalkers to look forward to! 2 reprints and 4 completely new guys to add into any planeswalker collection! In my opinion, this time round they actually done them right! The right amount of power, design, synergy and overall feel to the hunting theme. Well. kind of if you think about it. Whole in all, I love the new planeswalkers and the reprints are certainly a good welcome! Now for the specifics..

Ajani Steadfast
In my opinion, this is really Ajani being pushed to a new level. As a support card, this is a great card! I've talked about him how sweet he is and all, I still stand by that comment, only thing is that he won't be fetching a high price as well, planeswalkers can't protect themselves = walking target board... So as much as I like the card, he won't be the planeswalker to look at for the high price. But again, he is a good support card.

Post RTR rotation: ~$10-$15

Jace, the Living Guildpact
This one is controversial. Reason being is that the comments and reviews I have seen around from talking to people and friends is that he is on the extreme ends. That being either really awesome or really terrible. I'm on the stand that he is actually pretty good. He bounce threats and scry, giving you the necessary advantages in a control deck. That being said, his applications don't just apply to only U/X control decks; for standard, I'd say maybe mono-blue devotion Similar that how Ajani may help in mono-white decks. I've yet to see Modern decks discuss about him. I doubt he will find any home in USA variants and Twin. He may be a sleeper card for new decks to build around, just have to wait for the coming Fall expansion set to see if there are any great synergy or ideas that would include him.

Post RTR rotation: ~$5-$10

Liliana Vess
I'm not too sure why she is back, but she is definitely the 2nd best Liliana walker. A discard, tutor and an incredibly insane Ulti- ability, I'm sure she is a great welcome back for all mono-black decks. Rejoice! Waste Not is also in the set, Thoughtseize and Mind Rot are flying around, that's a deck for you there! No really, it's a great welcome back to see this version of Liliana.

Post RTR rotation: ~$8

Chandra, Pyromaster

Oh god... Why.... Can't they just give us a proper chandra? Troll aside, this Chandra was decent. She actually surprise people with her applicability. Personally, I'm never fond of Chandra. But this one is pretty okay I think. But, looking at this a reprint, don't expect the price to be as high or anywhere near where it was. I'd say half of what the curve was previous would be a good start to gauge

Post RTR rotation: ~$5-$10

Nissa, Worldwaker
Oh Nissa... where do I begin? I purposely left her out as top picks because I pretty much want to do a review more in depth here. I also purposefully told people that she is not as great as what people think. Things is that she is the meta-breaking card. If she breaks, her price can go as high as $20-$30. If not, she'll probably see fringe play with a much affordable price. 
Nissa started out as an elf-based planeswalker. Now she kinda makes your forests look painful. 4/4 peeps are not to be trifled with honestly; the forests context and her being (3GG) casting cost almost makes it as though she is pushing for mono-green or G/W aggro with convoke to break standard. As I already did mention that mono-white is going to be awesome with the new Ajani (and Soul of Theros), Pairing Nissa with Ajani seems like an awesome midrange idea. Drop her, spawn a 4/4 dude, power up using ajani's +1 and way to go! Garruk Wildspeaker + Nissa Worldwaker is also a good synergy in casual or EDH that runs heavy green. Synergy aside, she is great in limited and in constructed. As again, whether she makes or breaks the meta with any new deck archetype will depend on how well she can be played with. At the moment, I'd say pretty neat with G/W aggro, having Brimaz, Boon Satyr and that Eidolon guy.

Post RTR rotation: ~$8-$30

Garruk, Apex Predator
For a moment I thought that Nissa replaced Garruk as the key green planeswalker. When the initial spoilers were out, I admit that I was disappointed. Well, turns out he is the first dual-colored planeswalker appearing in core sets. (Yay!) Garruk is sick. As I did mentioned in the previous post, his first 3 abilties are actually pretty darn cool. His final ability, well to clarify, it reads "whenever a creature attacks you, it gets...." so yea I was kind of mind-boggled by the twist of words (wrote that post at 4am in the morning...) So in the twist, the emblem is there actually to make the creatures attacking that opponent more powerful. So that should clarify the misreads.
Garruk won't be as impactful as people would agree or think in constructed. With cards like Hero's Downfall and the rise in permanent removals, Garruk can easily be removed in the right colours. Yes, he slaughters planeswalkers, gives you a deathtouch 3/3 beast, but note that he will be a high priority threat. Of course with the possibility of not answering him, you probably turn tides to your favor. The demand of him will come from Casual/EDH mainly. I won't say he will be absent in constructed formats, but I think that he would see fringe play. Maybe B/G colours as he is already a foot into that deck colours with his casting cost. With the black colours already making impression of a possible powerful discard-disrupt deck or some sort of mono-black control, splashing green may seem not too bad so long as Abrupt Decay is still around in the format. On the other hand, no. I doubt modern will see him in play for his casting cost and relevant abilities are considered slow for the format.

Post RTR rotation: ~$8

I have done a review on them and you can read them here. The only thing is that my personal expectation of the prices is different.

Post RTR rotation:

Soul of Theros (~$4 - $5)
Soul of Ravnica ($1 - $2)
Soul of Innistrad (~$1 - $2)
Soul of Shandalar (~$1 - $2)
Soul of Zendikar (~$2 - $3)
Soul of New Phyrexia (~$10 - $12)

Sliver Hivelord
Sliver Hivelord has been attracting a heck load of attention. Many people are very keen in getting this boss in standard slivers or in EDH. Regardless the way of play. Slivers will be around for awhile with a few more being added in this core set. Strictly speaking, I'd say the price for it will be fueled by casual and EDH. I mean anything outside like Modern won't see a home for this guy. Then again, a 5/5 indestructible sliver is really cool if someone is crazy enough to use that in limited. Hey we can all dream right?

Post RTR rotation: ~$2-$3

Perilous Vault
Have discussed and really nothing much to add on. I still stand on what I mentioned as this may become a new toy for TRON decks. Look at Oblivion Stone's price curve and pretty much that would be the gauge I'm guessing the price with. That being said, there is a new blue guy in town for artifact decks so... 

Post RTR rotation: ~$6

The Chain Veil
As again, I made a mistake in the interpretation and with a followed up edit in the post later on. I'm not too sure if constructed will see play, but I sure know that EDH decks heavy in planeswalkers will rejoice with that card. It's a sick card and all, but with the demand for a relatively small crowd (or huge? I don't know... How received are planeswalkers and how much of them are played in your regions?), the price is not going to be that of all expensive. Ring of Three Wishes had potential, but it's a bulk flop in the end. So who's to say that this card won't follow the curve?

Post RTR rotation: ~$2-$4
  • Avacyn, Guardian Angel (bulk to $1)
She won't see heavy play in constructed formats, but she is a beast in limited. A definite first pick for me if there are nothing great. She protects other creatures, and herself is a good 5/4 body. Since unavailable to be useful for constructed, don't expect her price to be anything more than $2 even if she is playable in EDH/Casual. 
  • Hushwing Gryff ($1-$3)
This card will be a sleeper. The applicability won't be available now in current standard, but it will see more play in modern as an alternative to Torpor Orb. That being said, I still think Torpor Orb is a better choice out from the two.
  • Mass Calcify (bulk)
Worse than Planar Cleansing and Day of Judgement.
  • Preeminent Captain ($1-3)
Reprint... so... Nothing special with the card except that Brimaz will be the prime target for his ability. Unless we see more soldier support in the Fall expansion set, he's basically just up there as a reprint for all soldier deck fans.
  • Resolute Archangel ($1-3)
Annoying card in Limited, awesome in EDH. Basically quite an overpowering card if used in the right decks and in Limited. Constructed may see play with her, but I won't bet on it.
  • Return to the Ranks ($4)
Another sleeper card. I'm personally getting a copy to try out in my reanimator decks. Else worse case it's kinda like a combo piece or a great synergy card. Remember Immortal Servitude? Yea... that sort of thing. It won't see tier 1 play, but I am sure people are going to abuse it. CMC 2 or less. Think about the cards with ETB triggers.
  • Spectra Ward (Bulk - $1)
It may be a bulk rare, but this is going to be the chase rare for any Voltron Commanders. The foil especially. Basically it is making your Voltron Commanders in EDH an almost-Progenitus.
  • Spirit Bonds (Bulk - $3)


A good card with decent effect. Won't be a limited bomb, but it is possible to see constructed play in the right deck. Basically any creature ETB may net you another body, I kinda think it may have some use in B/W tokens in Modern. I'm not sure but just saying.
  • Aetherspouts ($4-$5)
Just remember the lesson Cyclonic Rift Taught us.... This is back under the library! Very playable in control constructed, limited and in EDH! Definite pick if this goes for below $2. (Prophet of Kruphix / Seedborn Muse anyone?)
  • Chasm Stalker (Bulk)
TL;DR. Too long to build up to see any play in format other than casual.
  • Chief Engineer (Bulk)
Not strong enough for any artifact decks in constructed. Grand Architect actually fares much better,
  • Jalira, Master Polymorphist (Bulk)
Another card that aims to copy Birthing Pod... Seems playable... Seems...
  • Master of Predicaments (Bulk)
Normally, guessing games don't quite cut it in constructed formats. Worse in EDH. Hence, bulk. BUT, this guy is actually quite strong in Limited.
  • Mercurial Pretender (Bulk)
Clone is decent. This is just bad. 
  • Polymorphist's Jest (Bulk - $1)
This card is actually not that bad. It's fun from the point that it trolls your opponents and oh... until EOT... In serious note, this card is meant for casual play.
  • Stormtide Leviathan (Bulk)


  • Cruel Sadist ($2-$3)
She's actually quite strong in Limited if left unanswered. She sacrifice life for power, and in the end rips that power to inflict pain on a creature.. Not bad. It's just whether any decks willing to take her up. In my mind, Mono-Black Aggro will be happy with the introduction of her.
  • In Garruk's Wake (Bulk)
Sweepers above 4 cmc generally don't have a good reputation of being expensive. Life's Finale had its moments, but it peaked at $3. 9 mana for a creature + planeswalker sweeper don't actually quite make sense in the value of you casting that. Hero's downfall is 1/3 of the cost and does it at instant speed for targeted removal. Generally you won't see more than 1 or 2 planeswalkers on board. Even in game play, if you are generating 9 mana, the game is almost ending.
  • Indulgent Tormentor ($1)
I'm keeping my eye on this. It has a powerful casual appeal. EDH players can pick him up for cheap at the moment because it's one of the promos for pre-release. But for constructed? It dies to Lightning Bolt, the abilities are kind of slow for Modern, but may be available for trial in standard in B/X variants. However, normally, you won't get what you want from the creature. It's like Tribute from Born of the Gods. The opponents have a choice. Just that for this case, either way it more or less gives you an advantage.
  • Necromancer's Stockpile (Bulk)
Zombie fans rejoice! Another deck to help your deck, but any other applications? None...
  • Ob Nixilis, Unshackled ($1-$3)
This card will be sick... This guy alone shuts down tutors altogether. 10 life, 1 creature loss is a heavy price to pay for the removal you are tutoring for. Or at worse, better be your last combo piece to win. In any other formats.. His tutor ability won't have much use unless you cheat him in like Griselbrand. But if you are already playing Griselbrand, why Ob Nixilis?
  • Stain the Mind (Bulk)
Why? Just why? Memoricide was a bulk, Slaughter games saw slight play because it's un-counterable... But this? Tapping your creatures to remove a card (playset)? Worse is that this is in Sorcery speed... 
  • Waste Not (~$2)
I'll make this clear first. It's sweet, cool and it's a great card; but overrated and over-hyped for initial price. Ironic huh... taking the mention that I was praising this card a few articles back. Well I did praise the card for its unique ability, but looking at the relevancy, it is viable in some constructed play, but the amount of applicability is very limited. No, it's not going to end up in ANY black deck's strategies in the end.


  • Aggressive Mining (Bulk)
Stopping yourself to play lands and losing more lands just to draw cards... That doesn't quite cut it. RDW may be willing to play this if it hadn't been for the "you can't play lands" clause. Probably that is a nice intention to water down the power level but... it's almost unplayable... Sure, RDW can function with 1 or 2 lands, that extra draw would help refill the engine, but... no... just no.
  • Burning Anger (Bulk)
  • Crucible of Fire (Bulk)
  • Goblin Kaboomist (Bulk)
Suicide cards... just go to the bulk bins.. you realized that?
  • Goblin Rabblemaster ($3-$6)
Playable... Golbins... Just don't know how. I have no opinions on this card. Goblins are missing in Modern. Legacy may not see play with him. But, I just know that somewhere, the goblins are hiding.
  • Hoarding Dragon (Bulk)
  • Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient (Bulk)
Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient isn't actually that bad if you think about it. Strictly for EDH and casual play only, but it's tons of fun actually.
  • Siege Dragon (Bulk)


  • Chord of Calling ($25)
Straight up, this IS one of the chase rares of the set. Strong in any format, it's a staple card essentially. I'd pick this one up quickly if I have the cash.
  • Genesis Hydra ($1- $4)
If Genesis Hydra is a thing like how G/R Monsters are it will see a good price. This card is not bad. It has potential and I'm expecting it to be a sleeper card. Genesis Wave had a short moment of play in Modern but quickly died down as the cards comes in without anything else other than gaining more lands. (Could Nissa be the key there?) If they could give a kill on the turn they activated Genesis wave, then, we would see more of it in modern. But, at the moment, it's a very fun card in casual and EDH. I expect Genesis Hydra to follow the same suit.
  • Hornet Nest (Bulk) 
  • Hornet Queen (Bulk to $1)
Limited Bomb, Not so much for Constructed.
  • Kalonian Twingrove (Bulk to $1)
Number one limited bomb for green. I'll take it. Not sure if the application of its big P/T will help anywhere else. It's just 2 big vanilla creatures if you think about it...
  • Life's legacy (Bulk) 
Similar cards will fall into the bulk range. Harmonize was good though... This? No.
  • Phytotitan (Bulk) 
Combo with Life's Legacy to draw? Maybe. But at the moment, it won't see much play as it is basically a big blocker that will die twice without being able to dish out that 7 damage once, at almost 60% of the time.
  • Yisan, the Wanderer Bard (Bulk) 
Hmmmm... No. Just no. I discussed him earlier and no. He may be playable in limted, but won't really cut it in constructed. Too slow without any proliferate abilities. He won't really help in the board presence until probably 3 turns later, but by then it's too late. Then again, maybe he may have some synergy with Return to the Ranks?

  • Avarice Amulet (Bulk)
  • Grindclock (Bulk)
  • Haunted Platemail (Bulk)
  • Obelisk of Urd (Bulk)
  • Phyrexian Revoker ($1-2)
  • Scuttling Doom Engine (~$3)
Insane limited bomb. It evades small chump blockers, when it dies, it deals 6 damage direct to opponent, it's almost a guaranteed 6 damage dealt in standard format.
  • Shield of Avatar (Bulk)
  • Sliver Hive (~$5)
Cavern of Souls was obscenely high when it was in standard. Granted that this is a similar card to Cavern of Souls, the price of the card will be determined by the appeal in casual and EDH formats. 
  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth ($10-$15)

Battlefield Forge
Caves of Koilos
Llanowar Wastes
Shivan Reef
Yavimaya Coast

Painlands will be in the range of $4-$5 each. Shivan Reef may be slightly higher due to the demand in Modern. If not, they will sit comfortably around the range as standard constructed will be picking them up as staples. It will also depends on the next expansion's dual lands or mana-fixing mechanics to see if the price will go up or dip. As for now, I'd say $4 is a good price to get them.

My reviews for the Commons and Uncommons will be in a later post. Meantime, Enjoy the Pre-Release!

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