
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Prep for Modern Madness (4)

I've missed out PTQ earlier this week for several reasons. Some are rather personal, some is due to the lack in time to sort my cards for sale or trade there (I'm still logging the cards into an inventory list). Honestly speaking, I haven't even had time to actually sit down and plan what do I want to do in the 2nd half of the year for MTG in deck and finance-wise. In this article, I plan to review what pick-ups I plan to pick up and what I plan to do as investments and use. Note that I have restricted budget at around $100 a month.. Honestly with that kind of budget, I'm not sure what to throw my cash into as investment. Right off my head, I can think of the two Ravnica Expansions' Shocklands as the safest bet. But, honestly, getting them at a good price now is not impossible, but quite a difficult task as everyone is planning to hoard it until they rise. It's a safe bet to be precise. If I want to join in the party, I either quickly grab them up ASAP before the prices going to soar up higher or trade off what I have at the moment for them. I'm contemplating both options. But, I want to know which is options is worth more value.

Targeted pick-ups during Modern Season (June) till Post-RTR rotation:

  • Shocklands (complete playsets)
    This one is a no brainer. I'm not going to hoard. but if possible, I want foils to keep until the price increament before selling. I'll want to hold on to 1 complete playset worth of shocks and trade accordingly for other things needed. Alternatively, just trade for what I need and done deal. But in priority, this is a major pick up in June till August.
  • Courser of Kruphix
    This badass is going around! He's a definite standard staple and he sees modern as a beam of hope! If he does get to be played in modern, expect his price to be anything but cheap. $8 grab would be great but this is mainly a standard card; the prices are up due to the appearance in decks in the recent GPT event.
  • Thoughtseize
    Do I really need to explain why? It's highest price hit $50! And the recent reprint in Theros block meant another year of play in 2-3 formats! I'm grabbing him between $20-$22
  • Mutavault
    I'm running a tribal deck. Also, it's one of the best man-land around. Period. I'm grabbing him at $30 value
  • Voice of Resurgence (if below $15)
    Insane card. I'm speculating this to be the next Vendilion Clique-type of spike after he's power is seen in hatebears or GW aggro.. He'll be a victim of the post-RTR rotation price fall before climbing back up fast. Sad thing is that Geist of Saint Traft didn't climb for awhile and even if he did, it wasn't as high as I hoped it would... Maybe a crossed-finger for this. There is chance; Dragon's Maze is an expansion that was avoided. so there may be a chance of this guy seeing very little supply.
  • Foil Gods / Planeswalker
    I think Foil planeswalkers would be my goal eventually. I'm not too sure about Foil Gods, but I'm keeping them in for the appeal in EDH. However, whether the casual appeal will allow the prices of the gods to go up is another question in mind. Foil Planeswalkers are something unique to me. I started out hating them, to eventually accepting and liking them. They are a unique set of cards existing solely in MTG. The appeal and demand will be there and as the planeswalkers get older in set, the price will go up unless a reprint.
I'll avoid Fetchlands* and other staples like Tarmagoyf and Snapcaster Mage. Reason being is that these staples already have reached their maximum value as of now. Trading into them basically locks your cash value as that. Unless they spike, there is no potential for any growth in my money. Likewise, if a reprint is announced, just looking at prices to fall flat is seriously aggravating. (I mean... in the end it'll still go up right? It's just that it would not climb as high as it would be without the reprint.)
* I may get Arid Mesa and Marsh Flats at $50 each in near future due to the decks I'm building. I'm thinking of building a BW tokens deck with the Modern Event Deck and a casual G/x aggro (this deck won't require Fetch/shock base but probably SOM fastlands or core set duals).

I'll also avoid most of the standard powerhouses like Brimaz and the Gods unless they smell a hint of play in modern. If not, I think I'm not going to touch those until later on. (Or never for the fact that I don't play standard.)

I mean... it's not a long list thanks to my limited budget. If necessary, I'm prepared to exchange my bulk rares for the cards though I feel this would not be a great idea. Speaking of bulk rares... I really really need to find where I can get them!

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