
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Review of the Journey - Mythic (updated)

(Update note: I posted this up about a few days back and I realised that the formatting was crap and I took it down to redo the format. Also, while I am doing that, I did some changes to the review of the set and I have added additional comments about the individual cards where needed.)

This post has taken awhile because of the research I have to do up (no not really.. I'm kinda lazy to research so many cards). Personally, I'm thrilled with the new set. It's much better than Born of the Gods. Now let's hope to see not just money cards, but cards that are actually powerful and fun to play with. 
Note that the prices I stated are estimated for prior RTR rotation.

Mythic Rares

Ajani, Mentor of Heroes

Finally a G/W Planeswalker!!! The first 2 abilities are actually quite powerful in standard. Heroic decks? or maybe just some midrange beatdown? Regardless, his not something that to be taken lightly. His last ability however... well... erm... it's a game winner for sure, but... seriously? 100 life as the ultimate? 4 loyalty starter meant his out from bolt and helix range, but I'm not too sure if any modern decks will pick him up. Keep a look out; he's still viable in EDH and standard! Just note that Planeswalkers have a curve. So like any others, Ajani will eventually see a rise due to a demand. Also, as a collector's point of appeal, he is the first and only G/W Planeswalker to be in the border we are familiar with until M15.


Almost a sword or a Batterskull... but... almost. Limited Bomb and EDH viable with artifact/equipment builds...It's definitely more difficult to cast, and if looking for P/T boost outside Standard, there's definitely better equipments out there. For the ability, It's better as a defensive measure rather than offensive. Yes, an offensive option is available, but not really outside standard. It's good but it's not something that I'll jump on immediately. I'd say hold out from this first. I love the art though... Imagine a foil in demand would be insanely expensive.

Gods from Journey to Nyx expansion set are significantly more viable and have much better abilities than the Born of the Gods in general. But, most of the abilities for all 15 Gods are viable in constructed and it really depends on how the meta shifts to adopt them into their play post RTR rotation. As of now, I'd say all of them are limited bombs and have great appeal to EDH. However, specifically probably only one or two of them are viable to be potentially played in modern. I'm eyeing at Athreos, God of Passage as priority. The following step down would be Keranos, Iroas, Kruphix, which then lastly would be Pharika .

Athreos, God of Passage
Athreos, God of Passage is 3 cmc, has relevant abilities in constructed against sweepers and really nerve wrecking to face him. I'd say he's one of the most powerful God in this set. If I were to pick one good to invest, it might well be him. Likely to be modern viable, relevant casting cost, potentially starting out a deck around him.(?) (Note, M15 is giving black an extremely powerful card. So guess where the money is going.)

Iroas, God of Victory

Iroas is very relevant in standard, but until R/W aggro sees play in modern, that's pretty much where he will be until EDH picks him up.

Keranos, God of Storms 
U/R Control shell will have some serious fun with Keranos. It gives a card advantage to overlook your land draw and/or bolts your opponent with another answer on hand. The amount of advantage you get with Keranos is seriously underestimated if you think he's not a great card.

Kruphix, God of Horizons

Kruphixis shouting to be played in U/G/x decks in standard and screaming even louder to be in EDH! An Omnath, Locus of Mana 2.0 with a Spellbook, what's not to love this guy?

Pharika, God of Affliction
Pharika is also 3 cmc and has creature graveyard hate/rinse and re-use, but she loses out to Scavenging Ooze flat out in flexibility. Maybe... it's a wild dream though, that she may go hand in hand with Ooze.
($8; floor at $5)

Prophetic Flamespeaker
Potentially to be modern viable but I'm not betting on this. A unique ability, but.. is it possible to really pull this off? If so, it's a really good card to base around as a disruption strategy, but if not, it's probably card waiting to be abused in later expansions.

Sage of Hours
Now let's think about this, if we can pull this off, it's an extremely powerful card. But, more likely than not, this will usually take bait to a removal. I'm not too sure for this card. It really can go crazy if it picks up as a combo in standard control. At the moment now, I would wait for results before going crazy for it. I doubt it will jump too high in price so soon.
I won't say it'll hit anything more than $3.

Worst Fears
Draft bomb if you can pull it off. But bulk mythic nonetheless

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